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Akhanda Mandalakarum (excerpt from the Guru Gita Stotrum)
Akhaṇḍa maṇḍalākāram
Vyāptam yena carācaram
Tat padam darśitam yena
Tasmai śrī Gurave namaḥ
Salutations to that glorious Guru who has shown me the Reality of the All-Pervasive, Unbroken, Infinite Mandala of Moveable and Immovable Beings.
Ajñāna timirāndhasya
Jñānānjana śalākayā
Cakṣrun militam yena
Tasmai śrī Gurave namaḥ
Salutations to that glorious Guru, who, when I was blinded by ignorance, applied your healing medicine and opened my eyes to the Eternal Truth. Guru has restored my soul’s true vision with Jnana, the wisdom of the Divine.
Gurur Brahmā Gurur Viṣnuḥ
Gururdevo Maheśvaraḥ
Guruḥ Sākṣāt Parabrahma
Tasmai śrī Gurave namaḥ
Guru is Brahmā. Guru is Visṇu. G̣uru is the Supreme Lord Śiva. Guru is both manifestReality and the Absolute. Salutations to that glorious Guru.
Tvameva Mata - Invocation
Tvam Eva Mata, Chapitta Tvam Eva
Tvam Eva Bhandus, Chasaka Tvam Eva
Tvam Eva Viddya, Dravinam Tvam Eva
Tvam Eva Sarvam, Mama Deva Deva
You alone are my Mother, Father, Brother, Friend, Wealth, Wisdom. You are my Light of Lights, my Everything.
ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ
Amba Mata
Amba Mata, Jagan Mata, Vira Mata Satya, Prema Data ( x2)
Amba Mayi, Jagan Mayi, Vira Mayi Satya, Prema Mayi
Oh Divine Mother, Mother who craddles the entire world in Her Arms, Most Courageous Mother of Supreme Truth, You are the Giver of Divine Love.
Divine Mother, You are the Universe itself, You are Courage and Supreme Truth,
You are Divine Love itself!
Amritananda Mayii
Amrita Mayii Ananda Mayii
Amrita-Ananda Mayii Ma
Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma
High Part:
He Ma Durga He Ma Durga
He Ma Durga He Ma Durga
0Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma
Ambe Bhavani Ma Jai Jagadambe Ma Miyuki - Susan
Ambe Bhava ni Ma, Jai Jagad am-be Ma X2
Ambe Bhavani Ma, Jai Jagad am-be Ma
Ambe Bhavani Ma, Jai Jagad am-be Ma
Ambe Bhavani Ma Jai Jadgadeshwari Ma X2
Anandamananda Karam Prasannam
Ananda mananda karam prasannam
jnana svaroopam nija bodha yuktam
Yogindra meedyam bhavaroga vaidyam
Shrimadgurum nityam aham namaami
To the eternal Shri Guru I bow. He is bliss incarnate, exuding joy. His countenance radiates ecstasy. He is awake with knowledge of his own Self. The yogis worship him as their Lord. With the precision of a surgeon, he extricates us from the wheel of cyclic existence.
Nalinee-dala gata jalamati taralam,
tadva-jjeevitam atishaya chapalam.
Like a drop of water balanced on a lotus petal, this life is fickle unstable and unsure
Shyanamiha Satjnana Sangatireka
Bhavati Bhavarnava Tarane Nauka
Even a moment in the company of a saint can be your raft over the ocean of delusion.
Meaning Nalini – dala – gata = lotus + petal + trapped. Jalam = water (drop); ati – very; taralam = unstable;
Tadvath = similarly; jiivitam = life; atishaya = extremely; chapalam = fickle and unstable / unsure.
Ananda Mayi Chaitanya Mayi
Ananda Mayi Chaitanya Mayi Satya Mayi Parame
Ananda Mayi Chaitanya Mayi-e Satya Mayi Parame
Satya Mayi Parame
Amba Bhavani Jaya Jagadambe
Amba Bhavani Jaya Jagad-ambe x2
Amba Bhavani Jaya Jagad-ambe x2
Jai Ma, Jai Ma-a, Jai-i Ma-a, Jai Ma
Bajarangi Hanuman
Bajarangi Hanuman Bajarangi Hanuman
Bajarangi Hanuman Maha Viira
Shri Rama Rama Rama Bajarangi Hanuman
Bhajamana Ma
O mind, Sing (chant) Ma, Ma Ma
Divine Bliss Filled Mother, Mother who is the very form of Bliss,
Bhajamana Ma Ma-- Ma Ma
Ananda Moyi Ma Ma
Ananda Rupa Ma Ma
Bhaje Gopala
Bhaje Gopala, Bhaje Gopala
Murali Mano Hara Nanda la la.
Nanda la la, Nanda la la,
Nanda la la Yedu Nanda la la
Bhaje Gopala, Bhaje Gopala
Pya-ah-re Mu-Ra-Ray May-Ray Nanda la la.
Nanda la la, Nanda la la,
Nanda la la Yedu Nanda la la
Bhaj Hu Re Mana
Bhajahu re mana sri-nanda-nandana
abhaya-caranaravinda re
durlabha manava- janama sat- sange
taroho e bhava- sindhu re.
Sita atapa bata barisana
e dina jamini jagi re
biphale sevinu krpana durajana
capala sukha- laba lagi re
e dhana yaubana, putra parijana
ithe ki ache paratiti re
kamala- dala- jala, jivana talamala
bhajahu hari- pada niti re
shravana kirtana, smarana vandana,
pada- sevana, dasya re
pujana, sakhi- jana, atma nivedana
govinda- dasa- abhilasa re
Bhajahû Re Mana with Translation
Bhajahû re mana s'rî-nanda-nandana
Oh mind of mine, sing the holy name of the Son of Nanda (Krishna)
abhaya-caranâravinda re
His lotusfeet makes one unafraid, fearless
Durlabha mânava-janama sat-sange
This human birth is so very rare and precious, only by keeping the company of fellow truth seekers, Devotees and Saints
taroho e bhava-sindhu re
can one cross over the ocean of delusion that is this world.
S'ita âtapa bâta barishana
Day and night I remain sleepless,
e dina jâminî jâgi re
suffering heat, cold, wind and rain.
biphale sevinu kripana durajana
miserable, I have uselessly served wicked and miserly men
capala sukha-laba lâgi' re
for a fraction of flickering happiness
E dhana yaubana, putra, parijana
What guarantee of happiness is there in wealth, youth, home,
ithe ki âche paratîti re
family and children… do they truly make one happy?
kamala-dala-jala jîvana talamala
Fragile and brief, like a drop of water tottering on a lotus leaf is this life
Bhajahû Hari-Pada nîti re
Therefore oh my mind, Sing and worship the Holy feet of the Lord Hari always!
Shravana, Kîrtana, Smarana, Vandana,
By the 9 fold path of Bhakti : Listening, Chanting, Remembering and Prostration to the Lord.
Pâda-sevana, Dâsya re
Serving at the Feet of the Lord with total Devotion.
Pûjana, Sakhî-jana, âtma-nivedana
Honoring with Pujas, with Divine friendship, offering my heart and soul completely to merge with the Lord.
Govinda-dâsa-abhilâsha re
This Servant of Govinda wants only this!
Bhavani Jaya Jaya (Mt Madonna)
Bhavani Jaya Jaya Bhavani Jaya Jaya x2
Bhavani Jaya Jaya, Yamuna Ki Jaya Jaya
Kailasha Shakti Shiva Shankari Jaya Jaya x2
Namah Shivay Om Namah Shivay om x2
Namah Shivay Om Namah Shivay om x2
Bolo Bolo Saba Mila Bolo Mt Madona
Bolo Bolo Saba Mila Bolo Om Namah Shivaya 2x
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya 2x
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya 2x
Juta Jata Me Ganga Dhari
Trishula Dhari Damaru Bhajave
Dama Dama Dama Dama Damaru Bhaje
Dama Dama Dama Dama Damaru Bhaje
Dhun Chita Om Namah Shivaya
Chamundaye Kali Ma
Chamundaye Kali Ma Kali Ma Kali Ma Kali Ma x4
Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya
Chamundaye Kali Ma by Goma
Chamundaye Kali Ma, Annapurna Devi Ma x2
Kali Durge, Kali Ma-a X2
Maha Kali, Kali Ma Ma Ma !
Maha Kali, Kali Ma
De Darshan Ma Devi Ma
De Darshan Ma Devi Ma,// Ambe Ma Bhavani Ma x2
De Darshan Ma Devi Ma,// Ambe Ma Bhavani Ma x2
Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma-a-a-a-a
Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma
Grant me your (Darshan) vision and blessings of the Divine Form
of Bhavani Ma
Devi Mangalam
Devi Mangalam, Kali Mangalam, Tara Mangalam,
Sundhari Mangalam
Bhairavi Mangalam, Dhumavati Mangalam, Bagla Mangalam
Matangi Mangalam, Kamla Mangalam
Sarve Mangalam, Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu
Devaki Nandana Gopala Ravi on Guitar Melody of Aja Utama
Devaki Nandana Gopala (Dave Stringer)
Devaki Nandana Gopala, Devaki Nandana Gopala x many
Gopala Govinda Govinda Gopala
Door of My Heart
Door of my heart,
Open wide I keep for Thee
Wilt Thou come, Wilt Thou come
Just for once come to me?
2nd verse ___________________________________________
Will my days fly away
without seeing Thee my Lord?
Night and day, night and day
I look for Thee night and day
Durge Durge Jai Jai
Durge Durge Durge Jai Jai Ma x 2
Durge Durge Durge Jai Jai Ma x2
Karuna Sagari Ma x2
Kali Kapalini Ma x2
Jagado Dharini Ma x2
Jagadambe Jai Jai Ma repeat many times then to top
Durge Durge, Kali Durge Jai Jai Ma - Kali Mandir Nama Kripa
Durge Durge, Kali Durge Jai Jai Ma x2
Ma Ma-aa Ma x 2 or 4
Kali Durge Jai Jai Ma
Durgati Nashini Durge Jaya Jaya (Mt Madonna)
Durgati Nashini Durge Jaya Jaya
Kala Vinashini Kali Jaya Jaya
Uma Rama Brahmani Jaya Jaya
Radha Sita Rukmini Jaya Jaya
Jaya Virat Jaya Jagata Pate
Gauri Pati Jaya Rama Pate
Victory to Durga, the destroyer of miseries.
Victory to Kali, the destroyer of time.
Victory to Uma, Rama, and Brahmani (goddesses).
Victory to Radha, Sita, and Rukmini.
Victory to the Greatest, the Lord of Creation.
Victory to Shiva and Victory to Narayana.
Dhyana Mulam Gurur Murtim
Dhyana Mulam Guru-u Murtim
Mantra Mulam Guru Vaccyam
Moksha Mulam Guru Kripha
Guru – That which dispels the darkness of our ignorance Mulam = root, Murtim= form, Padam = Feet, Vaccyam = word, Kripha = Grace
The root of meditation (dhyana) is the Form(Murtim) of the Guru,
The root of worship (Puja) is the Feet(Padam) of the Guru,
The root of mantra (sacred sound) is the Word(Vaccyam) of the Guru,
The root of liberation (Moksha) is the Grace (Kripha) of the Guru.
Gam Gam Ganapati Namo Namaste (Ragini)
Gam Gam Ganapati, Namo Namaste X4
Namo Namaste, Namo Namaste X4
Ganapti Om - Kashi
Ganapati Om Jaya Ganapati Om x2
Ganapati Om Jaya Ganapati Om x2
Ganapati Ganapati x2
Ganesha Sharanam - Gam Ganapataye
Ganesha Sharanam Ganesha Sharanam
Ganesha Sharanam Jai Jai Ganesha 2x
Gam Ganapatiaye Namo Namah x4
Mono chant
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Ganesha Sharanam (Jai Uttal kid starts)
Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha
Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha
Gam Gam Ganapati Sharanam Ganesha x2
Jai Ganaesha Jaya Jaya Gananatha x 2 return to top
Mono chant:
Om Gam Ganapatiye Namaha
Ganesha Sharanam (Mt. Madonna Traditional)
Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha
Gajaukha Gajamukha Gajanana
Gajaukha Gajamukha Gajanana x2
Gauri Nandana Gajanana x2
Girija Nandana Gajanana x2
Girisha Nanadan Gajanana
Gajanana Hey Gaja-Anana
Gajanana Hey Gajanana |x2
Gajanana Hey Gajanana |x2
Parvati Nandana Gajanana |x2
Garvita Manohara Gajanana |x2
Karunyalaya Gajanana |x2
Karana Purusha Gajanana |x2
O elephant-faced one, O son of Parvati, proudly adorned with flowers, abode of Compassion, Supreme Cause
Other Verses:
Vigna Vinasaka Gajanana Sajjana Sevita Gajanana
Chitghana shamala nita niramaya Satphala dayaka gajana
Destroyer of Obstacles, who is served by the virtuous, Pure Consciousness of dark blue hue, Eternal One, befeft of sorrow, Giver of goodness
Artta smarakshaka gajanana atmaprakasa gajanana
Anandamrita purita moda suradhipa sevita gajanana
O protector of the afflicted, Illuminator of the Self, Full of Bliss and worshipped even by Indra
Gam Ganapataiye Namo Namah - Ganesha Sharanam Bhagavan Das
Gam Ganapataiye Namo Namah
Gam Ganapataiye Namo Namah
Ganesha Sharanam Ganesha Sharanam
Ganesha Sharanam Jai Jai Ganesha
Ganapti Om (Dave Stringer)
Ganapti Om Jaya Ganapati Om x2
Ganapti Ganapati
Gayatri Mantra
Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvah
Tat Savitur Vare_nyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yona Prachodayaata
We contemplate the Glory of Light Illuminating the three worlds: Gross, Subtle and Causal.
We invite that vivifying Power, Love, radiant illumination and Divine Grace of Universal Intelligence to Illumine our minds
GOD’S POWER Happy Winningham
God’s Power Vitality Good Health and Strength
Flow through me, Flow through me, Flow through me
Gopala Yashoda Nandana Gopala
Gopala..... Gopala /// Yashoda Nandana Gopala
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna // Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama // Rama Rama Hare Hare
Govinda Hare Gopala Mt Madona
Govinda Hare Gopala Govinda Hare Hare 2x
Gopala Gopala // Hare Krishna Hare Hare 2x
Gopala Gopala Gopala Gopala
Govinda Hare Gopala Hare – He Prabhu Deena Dayala KD
Govinda Hare // Gopala Hare /
He Prabhu Deena Dayala Hare
Bhaja Govinda Hare // Gopala Hare
He Prabhu Deena Dayala Hare
Follow with:
Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare
Gopala Gopala Devaki Nandana Gopala
Govinda Bolo Hari Gopala Bolo (prem joshua)
Govinda Bolo Hari Gopala Bolo
Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Bolo
Devaki Nandana Gopala Repeat ///3X
Devaki Nandana Gopala
Gopala, Gopala // Devaki Nanadana Gopala
Govinda Hare Gopala Govinda Hare Hare (mt madonna )
Govinda Hare Gopala Govinda Hare Hare x2
Gopala Gopala Hare Krishna Hare / Hare x 2
1st time return to top
Gopala / Gopala / Gopala / Gopala ! x2
Govinda Hare // Gopala Hare /
Govinda Jaya Jaya Gopala Jaya Jaya
Govinda Jaya Jaya Gopala Jaya Jaya
Govinda Jai Jai Gopãla Jaya Jaya 2X
Rãdhã Ramaña Hari Govinda Jai Jai 2X
Govinda Jaya Jaya Gopãla Jaya Jaya 2x
Rãdhã Ramaña Hari Govinda Jaya Jaya 2x
Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Jaya Jaya
Guru Charanam, Bhaja Charanam - Chelaum Aum
Guru Charanam, Bhaja Charanam
Om Guru, Om Guru, Om Guru Om - all melody line
Sri Yogananda, Jai Guru Jai
Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru Jai
Hanuman Bolo (Jai Uttal)
Hanuman Bolo Hanuman Bolo X 2
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Sita Ram
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Sita Ram X 2
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Hanuman X 2
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev - Jai Uttal
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Namah Shiva----ya Namah Shiv---------ya
Namah Shiv---------ya Namah Shiv---------ya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Hara Hara Mahadeva Shambho - Mt Madonna
Hara Hara Maha Deva Shambhoo,
Ka-ashi VishvaNatha Gan-ge
Optional 2nd Verse:
Bam Bam Bolo Deva Sha-m-bho
Ka-ashi VishvaNatha Gan-ge
Hara Hara Maha Deva Sha-m-bho 2X
Kashi Amarnatha Gange, Kashi Bolanatha Gange
Kashi Vishva- Natha Gan-ge
Kashi one of the holiest places on the Earth, abode of Shiva-Shakti
Amaranatha : Cave of Pure Conciousness (Heart), Linga of Pure Conciousness, Shiva the immortal Lord - The Deathless One. Refers to The secret of immortality or Amar Katha. This is The Cave which was chosen by Bhole Shankar for narrating the secrets of immortality and creation of Universe to Maa Parvati ji.
The Immortal Life described as Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram - the life is described as having three facets Truth (Satyam), Good (Shivam) and Beauty (Sundaram)
Gange : the holy river Ganga which flows down from the heavens to earth from Goddess Ganga, Lord Shiva told Ganga to stay there eternally for the good of all the people and he would catch her torrent of water in his hair and release it gently to the earth.
Vishvanatha is the Lord of All Things, the Lord Vishveshwar of Varanasi or Kashi- refers to Shiva
Shambho: Benevolent One -one of Shiva's names
Hare Krishna Mahamantra
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Maha Mantra (Jaya Laxmi)
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Other Verses in Double time;
Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga Bolo x2
Chaitanya Chaitanya Chaitanya Bolo x2
Nitai Nitai Nitai Nitai Nitaiya Gaurange x2
Mountain Hare Krishna - Amazing grace KD
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 2x
Sing higher
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 2x end
Sing double time
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 2x
Close with:
Amazing Grace How Sweet the sound, that saved a soul, a soul like me
I once was lost , but now am found, was blind so blind, but now I see
Hare Rama Rama Ram (Krishna Das) Dm
Hare Rama Rama Ram Sita Rama Rama Ram 2x
Hare Rama Rama Ram Sita Rama Rama Ram 2x
Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram 4x
Bolo Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Hari Haraye Namah Krsna Yadavaya Namah
Hari Haraye Namah Krsna Yadavaya Namah (first 2 verse only)
Haraye namah Krsna, Yādavāya namah Hari
Yādavāya, Mādhavāya, Keśavāya namaha
Gopāla Govinda Rāma, Srī-Madhusūdana
Giridhārī Gopīnātha Madana-Mohana
Rhade Govinda Jaya, Rhade Govinda
Rhade Govinda Jaya, Rhade Govinda
Hari Bol Hari Bol - Ananda Mumbai
Hari Bol, Hari Bol Hari Bol, Hari Bol X2
Hari Bol, Hari Bol Hari Bol, Hari Bol X2
Hari Bol___ Hari Bol___ Hari Bol___ Hari Bol X2
Flow into:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hari Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya KD
Breath of Heart CD
Hari Om Namo Bhagavate Vasude va ya X2
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudeva ya X2
Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Hari Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya X 4
Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram close at top
Hey Ma Durga - KD
Begin waltz tempo
Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga 4x
Tempo shift
Jai Jagadambe Hey Ma Durga
Jai Jagadambe Hey Ma Durga 2x
Ma Kali Durge, Namo Namah
Ma Kali Durge, Namo Namah
Jaya Jagadambe Ma Durga Jai Jagadambe Ma Durga 2x
Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga 2x
Jaya Jagadambe Ma Durga Jai Jagadambe Ma Durga 2x
Om Narayani Om Narayani Om Om Narayani Om Narayani Om 2x
He Amba He Amba He Amba Bol
He Amba, He Amba, He Amba bol
Isvara sata chita ananda bol
Samba Sadasiva, Samba Sadasiva, Samba Sadasiva bol
Palaka preraka satapati bol
Amba Amba , Jaya Jagadamba
Akhilandesvari Jaya Jagadamba
Sing: Oh Mother who is Lord, Existence,
Awareness, Bliss Absolute, Eternally
Auspicious One, Protector, Inspirer
and Lord of All
Hail to Mother, the Mother of the World;
Hail to the Mother of the entire Universe
Hey Shiva Shankara, Hey Maheshwara (Moti Ma Live)
(Bestower of Happines Sukha and Remover of Sorrows Dukha)
Hey Shiva Shankara, Hey Maheshwara X2
Sukha Kara Dukha Hara Hara Hara Shankara X2
Om Namah Shivaya, Hara Om Namah Shivaya X4
Shiva is the destroyer of the ego, and the witness of all that passes.
All sorrow stems from identification with transient things, all happiness from identification with the eternal.
Om namah Shivaya = Om salutations to Shiva, literally,
or metaphorically, I am at one with the infinite.
Shankara = remover/destroyer of doubt (shanka + hara)
Maheshwara = great lord
Sukha = happiness Kara = Bestower
Dukha = sorrow Hara = Remover/Destroyer/thief
If You Think Me Near I Will Be Near
by Dinanath and Yogananda
If You Think Me Near If You Think Me Near x2
I Will Be Near I Will Be Near x2
So think me near my devotee X2
And I am here, Abide with me
Jai Ambe Jagadambe
Jai Ambe Jagadambe Mata Bhavani Jai Ambe 2x
Dukha Vinashini Durga Jaya Jaya
Kala Vinashini Kali Jaya Jaya 2x
Uma Rama Brahmani Jaya Jaya
Radha Rukamini Sita Jaya Jaya 2x
Jai Bajaranga Bali Jai Hanumana Ki
Jai Bajaranga Bali Jai Hanumana Ki
Jai Mahaveera Jai Hanuman
Jai Gurudeva Karo Kaliyan
Jai Jai Ganga Ma - Vamadeva
Jai Jai Ganga Ma Jai Jai Shankara
Jai Jai Ganga Ma Jai Jai Shankara
Bam Bolo Mahadeva Shankara
Bam Bolo Mahadeva Shankara
Jai Jai Jai Gananayaka - Moti Ma and Goma
Jai Jai Jai Gananayaka Jai Jai Vighna Vinashaka
Jai Shubha Mangala Dayaka Vidya Buddhi Pradayaka
Gaja Vadana Gauri Nandana x 4
Ganga Dhara Shiva Shambo Nandana X2
Devotional Singing always opens with a prayer to Lord Ganesh, the elephant headed son of Shiva, who helps us to overcome obstacles
Victory to the Lord of demigods (dieties - Gajanana),
who destroys obstacles and bestows auspiciousness and wisdom.
Oh elephant-faces One!
Thou art the loving son of mother Gauri and Shiva,
Who holds the Ganga in His (matted) hair.
Vighnavinashaka: Name for Ganesha, meaning the lord destroying the obstacles
Gananayaka: Name for Ganesha, meaning leader of the Ganas (Shivas army of demigods).
Ganga Dhara: Name for Shiva meaning bearer of the Ganga on His head.
Gaja Vadana: Name for Ganesha meaning the Lord with the elephant face.
Gauri: Name for Parvati, Shivas wife, Ganesha's mother
Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol Kirtaniyas
Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol
Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol
Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ananda Ma - by Moti Ma Shiva CD
Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ananda Ma X2
Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Jai Maa Amma Karunamayi
Jai Maa Jai Maa Jai Jai Ma-a x many
Jai Ma
Om Mata Kali Kali Durge Ma 2x
Om Mata Kali Kali Durge Ma 2x
Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Maaaa 2x
Jai Ma Kali Durge Ma
Jai Ma Kali Durge Maa Kali Ma
Jai Ma Kali Durge Maaaaa Kali Ma
Jai Maa aaa aaa Durge Ma
Jai Sita Ram Bajarangi Jai Hanuman by Prema Hara
Jai Sita Ram, Jai Sita Ram, // Bajarangi Jai Hanuman
Sita Ram.... Jai Sita Ram, Bajarangi Jai Hanuman
Hanuman Gosai-e Jai, Bolo Sita Ram x2
Bolo Sita Ra-am, Bolo Sita Ram
Sri Ra-am Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram x2
Sri-i Ra-am Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram x2
Jai Shiva Shankara
Jai Shiva Shankara, Jai Shiva Shankara
Jai Shiva Shankar Hari Om
Jai Shiva Shankara, Parameshwara
Jai Shiva Shankar Hari Om
Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya
Jai Bhagavan
Jaya Bhagavan // Jaya Bhagavan
Jaya Bhagavan // Jaya Bhagavan
Jaya Bhagavan Jaya Bhagavan
Jaya Bhagavan Jaya Bhagavan
Jaya Guru Omkara
Jaya Guru Omkara
Jaya Jaya Sataguru Omkara
Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva
Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev, //
Jaya Jagadambe (Chord of Love)
Jaya Jagadambe Sita Radhe 2x
Guari Durge Namo Namah 2x
Uma Parvati Ananda Mayi 2x
Guari Durge Namo Namah 2x
Maha Saraswati Lakshmi Devi 2x
Guari Durge Namo Namah 2x
Jaya Jagadambe (KD Ver2)
Om Shrii Matra Namah 2X
Jai Ambe Gauri Jaya Shama Gauri
Jai Jagadambe Jai Jai Jagadambe 2x
Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga 2x
Ma Kali Durge Namo Namah
[ Om Narayani Om Narayani ]
Jai Jagadambe Ma Durga Jai Jagadambe Ma Durga
Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga 2X Jai Jai Jai
Jaya Jagadambe Sita Radhe Mt Madonna
Jaya Jagadambe Siii--taaa Radhe
Gauri Durge Namo Namah
Kali Durge Namo Namah
Kali Durge Namo Namah
Phalana Karani Bhava Bhaya Harani
Phalana Karani Namo Namah
Gauri Durge Namo Namah
Kali Durge Namo Namah
Uma Parvati Ananda Mayii
Kali Durge Namo Namah
Kali Durge Namo Namah
Jaya Jaya Hanuman
Jaya Jaya Hanuman Jaya Jaya Ram
Jaya Jaya Hanuman Jaya Sita Ram 2X
Hare Ram /// Hare Ram /// Rama Ra-ma Hare (hare hare) 2X
Shri Ram / Jai Ram / Jaya Jaya Ram
Shri Ram / Jai Ram / Jaya Sita Ram
Hare Ram /// Hare Ram /// Rama Ra-ma Hare (hare hare) 2X
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jaya Jaya Ram
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jaya Jaya Ram
Jaya Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram
Hare Rama Rama Ram// Sita Rama Rama Ram// Shri Ram Jai Ram
Jaya Jaya Kali Ma (Ma Jaya Ashram)
Jaya Jaya Kali Ma Jaya Kali Ma 2x
Kali Bolo Kali Bolo Bolo Bolo Ma 2x
Jaya Mata Kali Jai Mata Durga Eliza and Nina Hagen
Jaya Mata Kali Jai Mata Durga
Kali Durge, Namo Namah x 2
Kali Durge, Namo Nam-a-h
Kali Durge, Namo Namah
Jai Mata Kali, Durge Namo Namah
Jaya Radhe Jai Madhava (Jai Uttal)
Jaya Radhe Jai Madhava
Jai Govinda Jai Gopala
Jaya Radhe Jai Shri Radhe
Mukunda Madhava Hare Murare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe Govinda Radhe - Mt Madonna
Jaya Radhe, Jaya Ra-a-dhe
Govinda Radhe, Govinda Radhe x2
**Speed up here** double time verse
Jaya Radhe Govinda, Jaya Radhe Govinda
Ra- a- a--dhe , Govinda Radhe x2
1st time return to box 1 then just loop 2-3 to speed up.
High Part
Jaya Ra-a-dhe¬, Jaya Ra-a-dhe¬
Govinda Ra-dhe¬, Govinda Ra-dhe¬ X2
Slow Echo
Jaya Ra-a-dhe, (echo) // Jaya Ra-a-dhe (echo)
Jaya Ra-a-a-dhe, (echo) // Jaya Ra-a-adhe (echo)
Jaya Ma Durga Jaya Ma Durga 2X
Jaya Kali Ma Jaya Kali Ma 2X repeat jaya radhe once
Jaya Ma Ma Ma Jaya Ma Ma Ma 2X then End here
Jai Radha Madhava Jai Kunjavi Hari Jagit Singh Mt Madonna
Jai Radha Madhava_ _ _ Jai Kunjavi hari _ x2
Jai Gopi Jana_Valla-bha _ Jai Giri-Vara Dhari x2
Jasoda Nandana_ Vraja Jana Ranjana X2
Jamuna-Tira_ Vana- Chari, X2
Jai Kunja-vi Hari
Pause then Continue to Part 2: Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna / Hare Krishna / Kirshna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare RAMA / Hare RAMA / RAMA RAMA Hare Hare
Hare Krishna / Hare Krishna / Kirshna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama / Hare Rama / Rrama Rama Hare Hare
Jaya Guru Deva, Jaya Mt Madona Guru Purnama
Ja-ya Guru Deva Jaya, Jaya Guru Deva Jaya
Jaya Guru Deva, Ja- ya,
Satya Guru dev
Jaya Sita Ram Jaya, Jaya Sita Ram Jaya
Jaya Sita Ram Jaya,
Bolo Sita Ram
Jaya Hanuman Jaya, Jaya Hanuman Jaya,
Jaya Hanuman Jaya,
Bhaba Hanuman
Jaya Shiva Shankara, Jaya Shiva Shankara,
Jaya Shiva Shankara,
Shambo Shankara
Jaya Kali Ma Jaya, Jaya Kali Ma Jaya
Jaya Kali Ma Jaya
Maha Kali Ma
Jaya Shiva (Guru) Omkara
Jaya Shiva Omkara Hara Hara Sat Guru Omkara x2
Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Other Verses:
Jai Guru Omkara, Hara Hara Sat Guru Omkara
Jaya Shiva (Guru) Omkara
Jaya Shiva Omkara Swami Jaya Shiva Omkara
Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev Jaya Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Jaya Shiva Shankara, Vom Vom Hara Hara
Jaya Shiva Shankara, Vom Vom Hara Hara x4
Hara Hara Hara Hara Vom Vom Hara Hara x2
Jaya Sita Ram Baba Hanuman KD Breath of Heart CD
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Hanuman
Namo Namo_____ Namo Namo____ Anjani Nandanaya ___ 4x
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Hanuman 2x
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Hanuman___ 2X
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai___ Hanuman
Jai Bajrangabalee Baba Hanuman X2
Sankata Mochana Kripha Nidhan x2
(Return to Jaya Sita Ram)
Rama Rama Ram___ Sita Rama Rama Ram____Hare
Jaya Vitthale - Dave Stringer
Jaya Vitthale Jaya Vitthale Jai Vitthale x2
↑Jaya Vitthale Jaya Vitthale Jai Vitthale x2
Pandu ranga / Pandu ranga / Pandu ranga / Vittha-le
Vitthale Vitthale Vitthale Vitthale X2 low
Vitthale Vitthale Vitthale Vitthale x2 high
Kali Durge Namo Namah (vamadeva Narayani Stotram)
Sarva Mangala Mangalye
Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
Sharanye Trayambike Gauri
Narayani Namostute------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uma Paravati Anandaymayi x2
Kali Durge...... Namo Namah x2
Kali Durge Namo Namah x4
Kailasha Shakti Shiva Mt Madonna
Kailasha Shakti Shiva Shankar Ki Jaya Jaya x2
Ganga Ki Jaya Jaya Yamuna Ki Jaya Jaya x2
2nd verse
Namah Shivay Om Namah Shivay Om x2
Ganga Ki Jaya Jaya Yamuna Ki Jaya Jaya x2
Kailasha Shakti Shiva Shankar Ki Jaya Jaya x2
Kala Vinashini (Krishna Das)
Kala Vinashini Kali Jaya Jaya x2
Dukha Vinashini Durga Jaya Jaya x2
Uma Rama Brahmanii Jaya Jaya x2
Radhe Sita Rukhmini Jaya Jaya x2
Kali Kalyani Kali Jaya Jaya x2
Radhe Sitay Rukhmini Jaya Jaya x2
Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala
Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala x 4
Krishna Murali Mano Hara Nanda Lala x 4
Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala x 4
Krishna Murali Mano Hara Nanda Lala x 4
Krishna Keshava, Rama Raghava Tulsi Harrison
Krishna Keshava, Krishna Keshava, Krishna Keshava / Pahimam
Rama Raghava, Rama Raghava, Rama Raghava / Rakshamam
Rakshamam: You are my Protector & Defender
Pahimam: I offer myself completely to you, I am no longer mine, I am yours alone,
I am your refugee
Krishna Kali (Bhagavan Das)
Krishna Kali ------ Krishna Kali
Krishna Rad--ha, Krishna Ra--- dha
Kali Ka__a_li Krishna Kali
Kirshna Krishna, Krishna Kali
Lokah Samastah Sukino Bhavantu Closing Blessing
Lokaha Samastaha
Sukino Bhavantu X3
Om shantih Shantih Shan-ti-hi
Maha Mrytunjaya Shiva Chant – Heather and Susan
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat
Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shivaya
Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shivaya
Mangala Murti Maruta Nandana
Mangala Murti Maruta Nandana
Sakala Amangala Mulani Kandana
Mangala Murti Maruta Nandana
Sakala Amangala Mulani Kandana
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Oh Auspicous Hanuman, fast as the wind, the
embodiment of mercy, you remove our suffering
and despair at its root.
Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu Mantra
मङ्गलम् भगवान विष्णुः, मङ्गलम् गरुणध्वजः।
मङ्गलम् पुण्डरी काक्षः, मङ्गलाय तनो हरिः॥
Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnuh,
Mangalam Garunadhwajah।
Mangalam Pundari Kakshah
Mangalaya Tano Harih॥
All auspiciousness to Lord Vishnu, all auspiciousness to one who has Garuda as His flag.
All auspiciousness to One who has eyes like the lotus flowers, and auspiciousness to Hari.
Om – the primordial and sacred sound vibration of the universe
Namo – a word used as a salutation that represents spiritual surrender
Bhagavate – refers to one who is divine or blessed
Vasudevay – can mean Krishna, the god (devaya) of light (vasu), or the infinite and formless Brahman
Mere Gurudev - KD
1) Mere Gurudev, charano-on - par, sumana Shraddha ke arpita hai
Tere-he de-e-ena , hai jo-o hai, Wahi-i tujha ko samarapita hai
Mere Gurudev, charano-on par, sumana Shraddha ke arpita hai
High Part 1st time x2 :
Na priti-hai prati-i ti-i hai, na hi puja ki Sha-ak-ti-i hai
2) Meraa yaha man, meraa yaha tan, meraa kan kan samarapita hai
Mere Gurudev, charano-on par, sumana Shraddha ke arpita hai
High Part 2nd time x2:
Tuma hee ho bhaava, me-en mere, vicharon mein, puka-a ro-on mein
3) Banaale yantra aba mujh ko mere saravatra samarapita hai
Mere Gurudev, charanon par sumana Shraddha ke arpita hai
My Dearest Gurudev I offer these flowers of my faith at your feet
Whatever I have, you have given to me, and I dedicate it all to you.
I have no love, nor do I know you.
I don’t even have the strength to worship you,
But this mind of mine, this body of mine,
my every atom is dedicated to you.
You are the only one in my heart and my thoughts.
You are the one who I call out to.
Now Make me your instrument all I am I offer to you...
My India - Yogananda
Where Ganges, Woods, Himalayan Caves,
And Men Dream God ------
I am hallowed, I am hallowed,
My body touched that Sod.
Long Time Sun
May the Long Time Sun Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on x3
Lokah Samasta Sukhinu Bhavantu
Om Hari Om Shanti Shanti Shanti__i
Namah Shiva Om- Hara Hara Bole / Shiva Dhun - Chelam Aum
Namah Shiva Om Namah Shivaya
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya
Ganga Dhara Shiva Ganga Dhara x many
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya
Other verses:
Vishweshvara Shiva Vishweshvara
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shiva Om
Someshwara Shiva Someshwara
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shiva Om
Rameshwara Shiva Rameswara
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shiva Om
Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah Dhara’s
Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah x 4
Shivaya Namah Shivaya Nama Om
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shiva_ya
Narayan, Narayan, Jai Jai Govinda Hare
Narayan, Narayan Jai Jai Govinda Hare
Narayan, Narayan Jai Jai Gopala Hare
Govinda Hare, Jai Jai Govinda Hare
Gopala Hare, Jai Jai Gopala Hare
Nataraj Nataraja - Jai Uttal
Nataraj Nataraja Jai Shiva Shankara Nataraja 2x
ShivaRaj ShivaRaja Shambo Shankara ShivaRaja 2x
Nataraj Nataraja Jai Shiva Shankara Nataraja 2x
Shiva Raj Shiva Raja Shambo Shankara Shiva Raja 2x
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya xmany
Om Mata By Mira Gale waltz beat
Om Mata Om Mata Ananda Ma // Ananda
Kala Vinashini BhadraKali Kapalani Maha – Devi
Om Hari Om Sharanam Ganesha Wild Lotus Band
Om Hari Om
Om..... Hari Om
Sharanam Ganesha, Sharanam Ganesha
Om Gam Ganapatiye Namaha, Om Gam Ganapatiye Namaha
Om Mata Durga by Mira Gale original Key of A
Om Mata Durga X2 or 4
Maa ta a a a a Maata
Om Ananda Ma by Mira Gale
Om Ananda Ma Om Ananda Ma x 2 low
first time
Hey Ma Durga Jai Kali Ma return to top
Kali Durge, Kali Durge Om Ananda Ma
Om Asatoma Satgamaya
Om____ Asatoma Satgamaya
Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityorma Amritam Gamaya
Lead us from Deception to Truth
from Darkness to Light
from Death to Blissful Immortality
Om Shanti -
Om Shanti, Om
Om Namo Gurudev Namo (snataum kaur)
Om Namo Gurudev
Gurudev, Gurudev Namo,
(Echo) Gurudev, Gurudev Namo
Gurudev, Gurudev Namo,
(Echo) Gurudev, Gurudev Namo
Om Krim Kali Ma
Om Krim Kali Ma, Om Krim Kali Ma
Om Krim Kali Ma-a-a, Om Krim Kali Ma
Sohum Sohum, Sohum Shivohum
Sohum Sohum, Sohum Shivohum
Other Verses:
Om Shrim Lakshmi Ma 4X
Saraswati Ma
Durga Devi Ma 4X
Jaiya Ambe Ma 4X
Jagadambe Ma 4X
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum 2x
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya , Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya
Shiva Om Namah
Om Nama Shivaya
Om Nama Shivaya, / Om Nama Shiva-ya
Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shiva-ya
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva , Om Nama Shivaya
Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shiva
Om Namah Shivaya - Krishna Das
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya 2x
Shivaya Namaha Shivaya Namah Om 2x
Shambho Shankara Namah Shivaya
Girija Shankara Namah Shivaya 4x both lines (2 low, 2 high)
Hara Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya 2x
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya (Jai Uttal)
Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah 4x
Om Namah Shiva---- ya
Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah Om Namah Shiva ----- ya
Om Namah Shivaya
Shivaya Parameshvaraya
Shivaya Parameshvaraya Shashi Shekaraya Namah Om
Bhavaya Guna Shyambavaya Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om
Shivaya Parameshvaraya Chandra Shekaraya Namah Om
Bhavaya Guna Shyam Bhavaya Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om
Om Namo Bhagavate –
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Hari Om Namo Bhagavate (Krishna Das)
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 2x
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 2x
Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Om Shiva Om Shiva Paratpara Shiva Mt MADONNA
Om Shiva Om Shiva, Paratpara Shiva
Om Kara Shiva, Tava Sharanam (x2)
Namami Shankara, Bhavani Shankara
Uma Maheshwara, Tava Sharanam (x2)
Paratpara= the Supreme of the most Supreme,
OmKareshwara = the supreme personification of Om
Sharanam = I surrender, I seek your refuge
Namami= I bow to
Om Narayani - Diana Rogers
Om Narayani Om Narayani
Om Narayani Namo Nama Repeat many
Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram
Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram
Om Tare - Deva Premal
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Swaha
Pandu Ranga Vitthale (Krishna the Glowing One) Mt Madonna
Pandu-ranga Vitthale Hari Narayana
Bhaja Narayana Go vin- da
Hari Narayana Bhaja Narayana,
Na-rayana Bhaja Govin-da
Panduranga Jaya Vitthale (Kerrys)
Panduranga Jaya Vitthale
Hari Narayana Jaya Vitthale
Vitthale, Vitthale, Vitthale
Radha Rani Ki Jai (Jai Uttal
Radha Rani Ki Jai, Maha Rani Ki Jai
Bolo Radha Govinda, Ki Jai Jai Jai
Radhe Radhe Shyam, Bolo Radhe Rade Shyam
Bolo Radha Govinda, Ki Jai Jai Jai
Radha Rani = Queen Radha
Ki Jai – All Praise and Glory, Victory!
Maha Rani = Greatest Queen
Govinda, Shyam - names of Krishna
Radhe Radhe Govinda Bolo
Govinda Govinda, Govinda Govinda
Govinda Govinda Govinda Bol
Radhe Radhe Govinda
Govinda Govinda Govinda Bol
Radhe Radhe Govinda Goviinda Radhe
Radhe Radhe Govinda Govinda Ra_a_dhe
Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam
(Shri) Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam
Govinda Radhe, Jai Shri Radhe
Govinda Radhe Radhe Shyam
Gopala Radhe Radhe Shyam
Radhe Radhe Jai Shri Radhe
Radhe Radhe Jai Shri Radhe
Shyamasundari Shri Radhe
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Radhe Radhe Govinda Radhe Mt Madonna
Radhe Radhe Go-vinda Ra-a-dhe
Radhe Radhe Govinda Ra-a-dhe
Ra-a- dhe Go-o-o- vinda (Bolo! )
Jaya Radhe (echo) // Jaya Ra-a-dhe //(echo)
Jaya Ra-a-dhe (echo)// Jaya Ra-a-dhe // (echo)
Jaya Kali Ma, Jaya Ma Durga, Jaya Ma Ma Ma
Raghupati Raghava - Bhagavan Das
Raghupati Rãghava Rajaram Patita Pavana Sita Ram
Sita Ram Jaya Sita Ram Bhaja pyare tu_ Sita Ram
Ishwara Allãh Tere Nãm Sabako SanMati De Bhagavãn
The song starts with the praise of Raja Ram (Lord Ram). Lord Ram is an incarnation of Vishnu (the preserving aspect of Brahman). Lord Ram is an embodiment of Dharma (Right duty, righteousness) and Virtue.
Raghupati Raghav means one who has attained all spiritual knowledge, who is strong and firm in righteousness, who is radiant like the thousand suns and who has viveka (spiritual discrimination) and vairagya (dispassion for worldly thing).
Patit Pavana means the uplifter of those who have fallen from the path of righteousness and virtue. So, we call upon Mother Sita and Raja Ram who are the uplifters of the fallen. Mother Sita is the daughter of Earth. She signifies selfless Love and purity. Mother Earth gives us everything she has without asking anything in return. Mother earth is always pure and everything we get comes from that purity.
Bhaj Pyare Tu Sita Ram means -- O beloved Lord Ram and Mother Sita we praise you for what you are and what you signify.
Ishvar Allah Tero naam means -- People call you by many names, some call you God "Ishvar" while some call you Allah, but you are the one and only Holy Spirit that is within us all and we are all within you.
Sabko Sanmati De Bhagvan means -- Bless everyone with this very wisdom that we are all the product of the same Holy Spirit and that all of us strive towards the path of righteousness and virtue.
Hope that you will find peace and joy in singing this bhajan. We will get utmost spiritual benefit of this devotional song if we can remember its meaning and significance while singing.
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Rama Bolo Rama Bolo
Rama Bolo Rama Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Rama Bolo Rama Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Other Verses:
Sita Bolo, Sita Bolo, Bolo Bolo Ram
Hanuman Bolo, Hanuman Bolo, Bolo Bolo Ram
Ram Bolo – Mt. Madonna
Ram Bolo Ram Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram repeat 4x to begin
Ram Bolo Ram Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Sita Bolo Sita Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram repeat 2x
Sita Bolo Sita Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Hanuman repeat 2x
Hanuman Bolo Hanuman Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Hanuman Bolo Hanuman Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Rama Bolo - Chord of Love
Rama Bolo Rama Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram repeat 2x
Bolo Ram Bolo Ram Bolo Ram Bolo Ram
Bolo Bolo Rama Bolo Rama Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Rama Rama Rama
Rama Rama Rama Shri Rama Shri Rama x4
Rama Rama Rama Shri Rama Shri Rama x4
Rama Rama Rama Shri Rama Shri Rama x4
Shri Rama Shri Rama Shri Rama Shri Rama x4
Ram Sita Ram - London Roots Kirtan Jhanavi
Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Jai Jai Ram X4
Samba Sada Shiva
Saamba Sada Shiva, Saamba Sadaa Shiva,
Samba Sadaa Shiva, Hara Shambho
Hey Girijavara, Hey Girijaavara,
Hey Girijaavara, Hara Shambho
Hey Mrytunjaya Sachitasukamaya
Hey Karunamaya Hara Shambho
Hey Shiva Shankara, Hey Shiva Shankara
Hey Shiva Shankara, Hara Shambo
Shivoham Shivoham Manish Vyas
Sachãra Chara Para Purnã
Shivoham Shivoham
Nityãnanda Swarupã
Shivoham Shivoham
Anandoham Anandoham
Anandoham Anandoham return to top
Shivoham Shivoham Shivoham_ Shivoham
Om Namah Shiva, Om Namah Shiva Om Namah Shiva, Om Namah Shiva
I am that which prevails everywhere...
complete in itself.
I am Shiva; the deity of eternal bliss.
i am Joy itself…i am bliss itself.
Shambha Shivo Jaya - (Mt Madonna Jaya Shambho CD)
Shambha Shivo Jaya, Shambha Shivo Jaya,
Shambha Shivo Jaya Shambha Shivo
Om Ma-a-ta, Om Mat-a-a, Om Shri-i Ma-a-ta Shambha Shivo-o
Shakti Kundalini
Om Mata Om Kali Durga Devi Namo Namah 2x
Shakti Kundalini Varaday Mata x many
Shakti Kundalini version 2
Om Mata Om Kali
Durga Devi Namo Namaha
Shakti Kundalini Varade Mata
Shakti Kundalini Jadadame Mata
Shiva Shiva Mahadeva
Shiva Shiva Mahadeva Namah Shivaya Sada Shiva
Shiva Shiva Mahadeva Namah Shivaya Sada Shiva 2x
Kali Kali Maha Mata Namah Kalike Namo Namah
Kali Kali Maha Mata Namah Kalike Namo Namah 2x
Durga Durga Maha Maya Namah Durgaya Namo Namah
Durga Durga Maha Maya Namah Durgaya Namo Namah 2x
Shiva Shiva Shambho Shankara Mt Madonna
Shiva Shiva Shambho Shan-ka-ra
Hara Hara Hara Mahadevaya
Ganga-jata Dhara
Gauri Mano Hara
Parthi puri Parameshwara
Shiva, the auspicious, the beneficient (Shambho), the One who brings Prosperity and joy (Shankara), the Destroyer (Hara) of evils, the great Lord (Mahadeva), who holds the river Ganaga in the locks of His Hair, who conquers the heart of Gauri (Parvathi), the highest Lord of the Universe)
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambho
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambho
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambho
Mahadeva Shambho
Mahadeva Shambho
Other verses:
Hare Hare Shiva Shambo
Shri Ganesha Rakshamam / Pahimam
Sri Ganesha // Sri Ganesha // Sri Ganesha // Pahimam
Jaya Ganesha // Jai Ganesha // Jai Ganesha // Rakshamam
Sri Ganesha Pahimam
Jaya Ganesha Rakshamam
Rakshama = Protect me
Pahima = I am your refugee
Shri Guru Sharanam Namo Namo Namo KDs
Shri Guru Charanam Shri Hari Sharanam
Shri Guru Charanam Shri Hari Sharanam
Shri Guru Charanam Shri Hari Sharanam
Shri Guru Sharnam Namo Namo Namo Mt Madonna
Shri Guru Sharanam Namo, Namo Namo
Shri Guru Charanam Namo, Namo Namo
Other verses:
Ram Guru Sharanam
Ma Guru Sharanam
Om Guru Sharanam
Jai Guru Sharanam
Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare
Shrii Krishna Govinda Hare Murare X2
He Natha Narayana Vasudeva X2
Back to top and repeat End: Pause then continue Into ______________________________________________________________
Gopala Devaki Nandana Gopala
Gopala-a, Gopala-a, Devaki Nandana Gopala
Devaki Nandana Gopala Devaki Nandana Gopala
Shri Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam
Shri Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam
Govinda Radhe (Jai) Shri Radhe
Govinda Radhe Radhe Shyam
Gopala Radhe Radhe Shyam
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram KD
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram 4x
Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Shri Ramachandra Rama Hey
Shri Ramachandra Rama Hey
Ramachandra Rama Hey 2x
Hey Natha Narayana Hey Natha Narayana
Ramachandra Rama Hey
Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Jaya Sita Ram Vamadeva
Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Jaya Sita Ram X2
Hanuman Hanuman Hanuman Jaya Sita Ram X2
Jaya Sita, Sita Ra-a-am
Jaya Si-ta Hanuma-a-n
Sita Ram Bol Devadas
Sita Ram // Sita Ram // Sita Ram Bol
Radheshyam Radheshyam Radheshyam Bol
Hari Bol / Hari Bol / Hari Hari Bo-l x4
Mukunda Madhava Govinda Bol (return to top)
Hari Bol / Hari Bol / Hari Hari Bo-l x4
Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram Ashok Nalnalapo
Sita Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram
Tumi Bhaja Re Mana -Satva CD
Tumi Bhaja Re Manna x2
Tumi Japa Re Manna x2
Om Shri Ram Jaya Ram, Japa Re Mana
Tvam Eva Mata
Tvam eva mata cha pita twameva
Tvam eva bandhu cha sakha twameva
Tvam eva vidya dravinam twameva
Tvam eva sarvam mama deva deva
Thou Art My Mother, My Father Thou Art
Thou Art My Friend, Like a Brother Art Thou
Thou Art My Wealth, My Wisdom Thou Art
Thou Art My Own Light of Lights art Thou
You alone are my mother and my father,
You alone are my friend and my beloved,
You alone are my knowledge and my wealth,
O Supreme Lord, you alone are everything for me
Uma Parvati Anandamayii Narayani Stotram /
Uma Parvati Ananda Mayii 2X
Kali Durge Namoh Namah (Ma-a) x2
High Part
Kali Durge Namoh Na mah 2x
Vitthale Hari (Jaya) Vitthale
Vitthale…… Hari / Jaya Vitthale, 2x
Vitthale…… Hari / Jaya Vitthale,
Vitthale…… Hari / Jaya Vitthale 1st time to Jai Jai Vithale
2nd time drop to Panduranga
1st Jai Jai Vitthale......Hari Narayana 2X
Jai Jai Jai Jai Vithale.....Hari Narayana 2x
(first time Return to top)
2nd Panduranga Vithale Hari Narayana, 2x
Purandara Vithale Hari Narayana, 2x
Hari Narayana Bhaja Narayan, 2x
Bhaja Narayana, Satya Narayan, 2x
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Short Version
Salutations to the Goddess, who resides in all beings in the form of:
Mother, Wisdom, Sleep, Shadow, Reflection, Peace, Contentment,Compassion, Radient beauty, Forgiveness, Primal Source Energy, Goodness and abundance.
To that constant, Supreme Eternal Presence, I offer myself in grateful adoration again and again.
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Buddhi Rupena Samsthita
Namastasyei Namastasyei Namastasyei Namo Namaha
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Matri Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Shakti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Nidra Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Chaya Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Daya Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Khanti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Bhranti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Shanti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Kanti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Tushti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Shradha Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Lakshmi Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu
Vishnu-mayeti Shabdita
Namastasyei Namastasyei
Namastasyei Namo Namaha
Salutations to Divine Mother - Shakti Devi who is the power of Lord Vishnu, who abides in all beings.. Salutations to Her again and again
Chetanaetya-bhidhiyate Who abides as the eternal consciousness in all beings.
Buddhi-rupena Samsthita Who manifests as intelligence in all beings.
Nidra-rupena Samsthita Who causes sleep in all beings.
Kshudha-rupena Samsthita Who causes hunger in all beings.
Chhaya-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings as the power of reflection.
Shakti-rupena Samsthita Who manifests as power in all beings.
Thrishna-rupena Samsthita Who manifests as thirst in all beings.
Khanti-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings in the form of forgiveness.
Jaati-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings in the form of genius.
Lajja-rupena Samsthita Who manifests in all beings in the form of modesty.
Shanti-rupena Samsthita Who manifests in all beings in the form of peace.
Shraddha-rupena Samsthita Who manifests in all beings in the form of faith.
Kanti-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings in the form of beauty.
Vritti-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all begins in the form of activity.
Smriti-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings in the form of memory.
Daya-rupena Samsthita Who abides in the form of compassion in all beings.
Tusti-rupena Samsthita Who abides in the form of contentment in all beings.
Bhrant-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings in the form of delusion.
Matri-rupena Samsthita The ruler of all elements and senses.
Indriya-anaam Adhis-tatri The ruler of all senses and sensation
Bhutaana-amcha The ruler of all elements
Akhilesh-ucha The ruler of all creation and beings
Bhuteshu Satatam Tasyei,
Vyapti-devyei Namo Namaha
Chiti-rupena Ya Kritsna-maetat Vyapya Sthitha Jagat
Namastasyei Namastasyei Namastasyei Namo Namaha
Shakti Devi pervades this entire universe and abides in all beings in the form of consciousness. Salutations to Her again and again
ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ Prayers and Invocations ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ
Akhanda Mandala Karam yaptam jena Chara-charam
Tatpadam Dharshitam jena Tasmae Shri Gurave Namah
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshvara
Guru Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmae Shri Gurave Namah
Purna Mada Purna Midam
Om purna mada purna midam
Purnaat purnam udachyate
Purnasya purnam adaaya
Purnam eva vasishyate
Om shanti shanti shantih
That is the whole, this is the Whole; from the Whole, the Whole arises; taking away the Whole from the Whole, the Whole remains.
Om Asatoma Satgamaya
Om Asatoma SatGamaya
Tamso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya
Om Shantih Shantih Shan-ti-hi
Om, lead us from Untruth to Truth,
From Darkness to Light
From death, to Immortality
ॐ Om peace, peace, peace
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
Om Trayambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat
Closing Blessings:
We close with a universal prayer of blessing for the welfare of all beings throughout creation:
Lokaha Samastaha
Sukino Bhavantu
Om shantih Shantih Shan-ti-hi
May all beings, in all worlds be blessed with freedom, health and happiness
Om, we invoke the Divine Primordial Source Energy to infuse us with
Peace in all bodies, Peace in all minds, Peace in all souls.
Om Shri Gurubhyo Namaha Hari Om Tat Sat
Praise and gratitude for all of our Gurus (teachers)
ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ
Welcome to Heart Connection Community Kirtan
Akhanda Mandalakarum (excerpt from the Guru Gita Stotrum)
Akhaṇḍa maṇḍalākāram
Vyāptam yena carācaram
Tat padam darśitam yena
Tasmai śrī Gurave namaḥ
Salutations to that glorious Guru who has shown me the Reality of the All-Pervasive, Unbroken, Infinite Mandala of Moveable and Immovable Beings.
Ajñāna timirāndhasya
Jñānānjana śalākayā
Cakṣrun militam yena
Tasmai śrī Gurave namaḥ
Salutations to that glorious Guru, who, when I was blinded by ignorance, applied your healing medicine and opened my eyes to the Eternal Truth. Guru has restored my soul’s true vision with Jnana, the wisdom of the Divine.
Gurur Brahmā Gurur Viṣnuḥ
Gururdevo Maheśvaraḥ
Guruḥ Sākṣāt Parabrahma
Tasmai śrī Gurave namaḥ
Guru is Brahmā. Guru is Visṇu. G̣uru is the Supreme Lord Śiva. Guru is both manifestReality and the Absolute. Salutations to that glorious Guru.
Tvameva Mata - Invocation
Tvam Eva Mata, Chapitta Tvam Eva
Tvam Eva Bhandus, Chasaka Tvam Eva
Tvam Eva Viddya, Dravinam Tvam Eva
Tvam Eva Sarvam, Mama Deva Deva
You alone are my Mother, Father, Brother, Friend, Wealth, Wisdom. You are my Light of Lights, my Everything.
ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ
Amba Mata
Amba Mata, Jagan Mata, Vira Mata Satya, Prema Data ( x2)
Amba Mayi, Jagan Mayi, Vira Mayi Satya, Prema Mayi
Oh Divine Mother, Mother who craddles the entire world in Her Arms, Most Courageous Mother of Supreme Truth, You are the Giver of Divine Love.
Divine Mother, You are the Universe itself, You are Courage and Supreme Truth,
You are Divine Love itself!
Amritananda Mayii
Amrita Mayii Ananda Mayii
Amrita-Ananda Mayii Ma
Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma
High Part:
He Ma Durga He Ma Durga
He Ma Durga He Ma Durga
0Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma
Ambe Bhavani Ma Jai Jagadambe Ma Miyuki - Susan
Ambe Bhava ni Ma, Jai Jagad am-be Ma X2
Ambe Bhavani Ma, Jai Jagad am-be Ma
Ambe Bhavani Ma, Jai Jagad am-be Ma
Ambe Bhavani Ma Jai Jadgadeshwari Ma X2
Anandamananda Karam Prasannam
Ananda mananda karam prasannam
jnana svaroopam nija bodha yuktam
Yogindra meedyam bhavaroga vaidyam
Shrimadgurum nityam aham namaami
To the eternal Shri Guru I bow. He is bliss incarnate, exuding joy. His countenance radiates ecstasy. He is awake with knowledge of his own Self. The yogis worship him as their Lord. With the precision of a surgeon, he extricates us from the wheel of cyclic existence.
Nalinee-dala gata jalamati taralam,
tadva-jjeevitam atishaya chapalam.
Like a drop of water balanced on a lotus petal, this life is fickle unstable and unsure
Shyanamiha Satjnana Sangatireka
Bhavati Bhavarnava Tarane Nauka
Even a moment in the company of a saint can be your raft over the ocean of delusion.
Meaning Nalini – dala – gata = lotus + petal + trapped. Jalam = water (drop); ati – very; taralam = unstable;
Tadvath = similarly; jiivitam = life; atishaya = extremely; chapalam = fickle and unstable / unsure.
Ananda Mayi Chaitanya Mayi
Ananda Mayi Chaitanya Mayi Satya Mayi Parame
Ananda Mayi Chaitanya Mayi-e Satya Mayi Parame
Satya Mayi Parame
Amba Bhavani Jaya Jagadambe
Amba Bhavani Jaya Jagad-ambe x2
Amba Bhavani Jaya Jagad-ambe x2
Jai Ma, Jai Ma-a, Jai-i Ma-a, Jai Ma
Bajarangi Hanuman
Bajarangi Hanuman Bajarangi Hanuman
Bajarangi Hanuman Maha Viira
Shri Rama Rama Rama Bajarangi Hanuman
Bhajamana Ma
O mind, Sing (chant) Ma, Ma Ma
Divine Bliss Filled Mother, Mother who is the very form of Bliss,
Bhajamana Ma Ma-- Ma Ma
Ananda Moyi Ma Ma
Ananda Rupa Ma Ma
Bhaje Gopala
Bhaje Gopala, Bhaje Gopala
Murali Mano Hara Nanda la la.
Nanda la la, Nanda la la,
Nanda la la Yedu Nanda la la
Bhaje Gopala, Bhaje Gopala
Pya-ah-re Mu-Ra-Ray May-Ray Nanda la la.
Nanda la la, Nanda la la,
Nanda la la Yedu Nanda la la
Bhaj Hu Re Mana
Bhajahu re mana sri-nanda-nandana
abhaya-caranaravinda re
durlabha manava- janama sat- sange
taroho e bhava- sindhu re.
Sita atapa bata barisana
e dina jamini jagi re
biphale sevinu krpana durajana
capala sukha- laba lagi re
e dhana yaubana, putra parijana
ithe ki ache paratiti re
kamala- dala- jala, jivana talamala
bhajahu hari- pada niti re
shravana kirtana, smarana vandana,
pada- sevana, dasya re
pujana, sakhi- jana, atma nivedana
govinda- dasa- abhilasa re
Bhajahû Re Mana with Translation
Bhajahû re mana s'rî-nanda-nandana
Oh mind of mine, sing the holy name of the Son of Nanda (Krishna)
abhaya-caranâravinda re
His lotusfeet makes one unafraid, fearless
Durlabha mânava-janama sat-sange
This human birth is so very rare and precious, only by keeping the company of fellow truth seekers, Devotees and Saints
taroho e bhava-sindhu re
can one cross over the ocean of delusion that is this world.
S'ita âtapa bâta barishana
Day and night I remain sleepless,
e dina jâminî jâgi re
suffering heat, cold, wind and rain.
biphale sevinu kripana durajana
miserable, I have uselessly served wicked and miserly men
capala sukha-laba lâgi' re
for a fraction of flickering happiness
E dhana yaubana, putra, parijana
What guarantee of happiness is there in wealth, youth, home,
ithe ki âche paratîti re
family and children… do they truly make one happy?
kamala-dala-jala jîvana talamala
Fragile and brief, like a drop of water tottering on a lotus leaf is this life
Bhajahû Hari-Pada nîti re
Therefore oh my mind, Sing and worship the Holy feet of the Lord Hari always!
Shravana, Kîrtana, Smarana, Vandana,
By the 9 fold path of Bhakti : Listening, Chanting, Remembering and Prostration to the Lord.
Pâda-sevana, Dâsya re
Serving at the Feet of the Lord with total Devotion.
Pûjana, Sakhî-jana, âtma-nivedana
Honoring with Pujas, with Divine friendship, offering my heart and soul completely to merge with the Lord.
Govinda-dâsa-abhilâsha re
This Servant of Govinda wants only this!
Bhavani Jaya Jaya (Mt Madonna)
Bhavani Jaya Jaya Bhavani Jaya Jaya x2
Bhavani Jaya Jaya, Yamuna Ki Jaya Jaya
Kailasha Shakti Shiva Shankari Jaya Jaya x2
Namah Shivay Om Namah Shivay om x2
Namah Shivay Om Namah Shivay om x2
Bolo Bolo Saba Mila Bolo Mt Madona
Bolo Bolo Saba Mila Bolo Om Namah Shivaya 2x
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya 2x
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya 2x
Juta Jata Me Ganga Dhari
Trishula Dhari Damaru Bhajave
Dama Dama Dama Dama Damaru Bhaje
Dama Dama Dama Dama Damaru Bhaje
Dhun Chita Om Namah Shivaya
Chamundaye Kali Ma
Chamundaye Kali Ma Kali Ma Kali Ma Kali Ma x4
Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya
Chamundaye Kali Ma by Goma
Chamundaye Kali Ma, Annapurna Devi Ma x2
Kali Durge, Kali Ma-a X2
Maha Kali, Kali Ma Ma Ma !
Maha Kali, Kali Ma
De Darshan Ma Devi Ma
De Darshan Ma Devi Ma,// Ambe Ma Bhavani Ma x2
De Darshan Ma Devi Ma,// Ambe Ma Bhavani Ma x2
Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma-a-a-a-a
Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma
Grant me your (Darshan) vision and blessings of the Divine Form
of Bhavani Ma
Devi Mangalam
Devi Mangalam, Kali Mangalam, Tara Mangalam,
Sundhari Mangalam
Bhairavi Mangalam, Dhumavati Mangalam, Bagla Mangalam
Matangi Mangalam, Kamla Mangalam
Sarve Mangalam, Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu
Devaki Nandana Gopala Ravi on Guitar Melody of Aja Utama
Devaki Nandana Gopala (Dave Stringer)
Devaki Nandana Gopala, Devaki Nandana Gopala x many
Gopala Govinda Govinda Gopala
Door of My Heart
Door of my heart,
Open wide I keep for Thee
Wilt Thou come, Wilt Thou come
Just for once come to me?
2nd verse ___________________________________________
Will my days fly away
without seeing Thee my Lord?
Night and day, night and day
I look for Thee night and day
Durge Durge Jai Jai
Durge Durge Durge Jai Jai Ma x 2
Durge Durge Durge Jai Jai Ma x2
Karuna Sagari Ma x2
Kali Kapalini Ma x2
Jagado Dharini Ma x2
Jagadambe Jai Jai Ma repeat many times then to top
Durge Durge, Kali Durge Jai Jai Ma - Kali Mandir Nama Kripa
Durge Durge, Kali Durge Jai Jai Ma x2
Ma Ma-aa Ma x 2 or 4
Kali Durge Jai Jai Ma
Durgati Nashini Durge Jaya Jaya (Mt Madonna)
Durgati Nashini Durge Jaya Jaya
Kala Vinashini Kali Jaya Jaya
Uma Rama Brahmani Jaya Jaya
Radha Sita Rukmini Jaya Jaya
Jaya Virat Jaya Jagata Pate
Gauri Pati Jaya Rama Pate
Victory to Durga, the destroyer of miseries.
Victory to Kali, the destroyer of time.
Victory to Uma, Rama, and Brahmani (goddesses).
Victory to Radha, Sita, and Rukmini.
Victory to the Greatest, the Lord of Creation.
Victory to Shiva and Victory to Narayana.
Dhyana Mulam Gurur Murtim
Dhyana Mulam Guru-u Murtim
Mantra Mulam Guru Vaccyam
Moksha Mulam Guru Kripha
Guru – That which dispels the darkness of our ignorance Mulam = root, Murtim= form, Padam = Feet, Vaccyam = word, Kripha = Grace
The root of meditation (dhyana) is the Form(Murtim) of the Guru,
The root of worship (Puja) is the Feet(Padam) of the Guru,
The root of mantra (sacred sound) is the Word(Vaccyam) of the Guru,
The root of liberation (Moksha) is the Grace (Kripha) of the Guru.
Gam Gam Ganapati Namo Namaste (Ragini)
Gam Gam Ganapati, Namo Namaste X4
Namo Namaste, Namo Namaste X4
Ganapti Om - Kashi
Ganapati Om Jaya Ganapati Om x2
Ganapati Om Jaya Ganapati Om x2
Ganapati Ganapati x2
Ganesha Sharanam - Gam Ganapataye
Ganesha Sharanam Ganesha Sharanam
Ganesha Sharanam Jai Jai Ganesha 2x
Gam Ganapatiaye Namo Namah x4
Mono chant
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Ganesha Sharanam (Jai Uttal kid starts)
Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha
Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha
Gam Gam Ganapati Sharanam Ganesha x2
Jai Ganaesha Jaya Jaya Gananatha x 2 return to top
Mono chant:
Om Gam Ganapatiye Namaha
Ganesha Sharanam (Mt. Madonna Traditional)
Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha
Gajaukha Gajamukha Gajanana
Gajaukha Gajamukha Gajanana x2
Gauri Nandana Gajanana x2
Girija Nandana Gajanana x2
Girisha Nanadan Gajanana
Gajanana Hey Gaja-Anana
Gajanana Hey Gajanana |x2
Gajanana Hey Gajanana |x2
Parvati Nandana Gajanana |x2
Garvita Manohara Gajanana |x2
Karunyalaya Gajanana |x2
Karana Purusha Gajanana |x2
O elephant-faced one, O son of Parvati, proudly adorned with flowers, abode of Compassion, Supreme Cause
Other Verses:
Vigna Vinasaka Gajanana Sajjana Sevita Gajanana
Chitghana shamala nita niramaya Satphala dayaka gajana
Destroyer of Obstacles, who is served by the virtuous, Pure Consciousness of dark blue hue, Eternal One, befeft of sorrow, Giver of goodness
Artta smarakshaka gajanana atmaprakasa gajanana
Anandamrita purita moda suradhipa sevita gajanana
O protector of the afflicted, Illuminator of the Self, Full of Bliss and worshipped even by Indra
Gam Ganapataiye Namo Namah - Ganesha Sharanam Bhagavan Das
Gam Ganapataiye Namo Namah
Gam Ganapataiye Namo Namah
Ganesha Sharanam Ganesha Sharanam
Ganesha Sharanam Jai Jai Ganesha
Ganapti Om (Dave Stringer)
Ganapti Om Jaya Ganapati Om x2
Ganapti Ganapati
Gayatri Mantra
Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvah
Tat Savitur Vare_nyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yona Prachodayaata
We contemplate the Glory of Light Illuminating the three worlds: Gross, Subtle and Causal.
We invite that vivifying Power, Love, radiant illumination and Divine Grace of Universal Intelligence to Illumine our minds
GOD’S POWER Happy Winningham
God’s Power Vitality Good Health and Strength
Flow through me, Flow through me, Flow through me
Gopala Yashoda Nandana Gopala
Gopala..... Gopala /// Yashoda Nandana Gopala
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna // Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama // Rama Rama Hare Hare
Govinda Hare Gopala Mt Madona
Govinda Hare Gopala Govinda Hare Hare 2x
Gopala Gopala // Hare Krishna Hare Hare 2x
Gopala Gopala Gopala Gopala
Govinda Hare Gopala Hare – He Prabhu Deena Dayala KD
Govinda Hare // Gopala Hare /
He Prabhu Deena Dayala Hare
Bhaja Govinda Hare // Gopala Hare
He Prabhu Deena Dayala Hare
Follow with:
Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare
Gopala Gopala Devaki Nandana Gopala
Govinda Bolo Hari Gopala Bolo (prem joshua)
Govinda Bolo Hari Gopala Bolo
Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Bolo
Devaki Nandana Gopala Repeat ///3X
Devaki Nandana Gopala
Gopala, Gopala // Devaki Nanadana Gopala
Govinda Hare Gopala Govinda Hare Hare (mt madonna )
Govinda Hare Gopala Govinda Hare Hare x2
Gopala Gopala Hare Krishna Hare / Hare x 2
1st time return to top
Gopala / Gopala / Gopala / Gopala ! x2
Govinda Hare // Gopala Hare /
Govinda Jaya Jaya Gopala Jaya Jaya
Govinda Jaya Jaya Gopala Jaya Jaya
Govinda Jai Jai Gopãla Jaya Jaya 2X
Rãdhã Ramaña Hari Govinda Jai Jai 2X
Govinda Jaya Jaya Gopãla Jaya Jaya 2x
Rãdhã Ramaña Hari Govinda Jaya Jaya 2x
Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Jaya Jaya
Guru Charanam, Bhaja Charanam - Chelaum Aum
Guru Charanam, Bhaja Charanam
Om Guru, Om Guru, Om Guru Om - all melody line
Sri Yogananda, Jai Guru Jai
Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru Jai
Hanuman Bolo (Jai Uttal)
Hanuman Bolo Hanuman Bolo X 2
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Sita Ram
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Sita Ram X 2
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Hanuman X 2
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev - Jai Uttal
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Namah Shiva----ya Namah Shiv---------ya
Namah Shiv---------ya Namah Shiv---------ya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Hara Hara Mahadeva Shambho - Mt Madonna
Hara Hara Maha Deva Shambhoo,
Ka-ashi VishvaNatha Gan-ge
Optional 2nd Verse:
Bam Bam Bolo Deva Sha-m-bho
Ka-ashi VishvaNatha Gan-ge
Hara Hara Maha Deva Sha-m-bho 2X
Kashi Amarnatha Gange, Kashi Bolanatha Gange
Kashi Vishva- Natha Gan-ge
Kashi one of the holiest places on the Earth, abode of Shiva-Shakti
Amaranatha : Cave of Pure Conciousness (Heart), Linga of Pure Conciousness, Shiva the immortal Lord - The Deathless One. Refers to The secret of immortality or Amar Katha. This is The Cave which was chosen by Bhole Shankar for narrating the secrets of immortality and creation of Universe to Maa Parvati ji.
The Immortal Life described as Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram - the life is described as having three facets Truth (Satyam), Good (Shivam) and Beauty (Sundaram)
Gange : the holy river Ganga which flows down from the heavens to earth from Goddess Ganga, Lord Shiva told Ganga to stay there eternally for the good of all the people and he would catch her torrent of water in his hair and release it gently to the earth.
Vishvanatha is the Lord of All Things, the Lord Vishveshwar of Varanasi or Kashi- refers to Shiva
Shambho: Benevolent One -one of Shiva's names
Hare Krishna Mahamantra
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Maha Mantra (Jaya Laxmi)
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Other Verses in Double time;
Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga Bolo x2
Chaitanya Chaitanya Chaitanya Bolo x2
Nitai Nitai Nitai Nitai Nitaiya Gaurange x2
Mountain Hare Krishna - Amazing grace KD
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 2x
Sing higher
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 2x end
Sing double time
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 2x
Close with:
Amazing Grace How Sweet the sound, that saved a soul, a soul like me
I once was lost , but now am found, was blind so blind, but now I see
Hare Rama Rama Ram (Krishna Das) Dm
Hare Rama Rama Ram Sita Rama Rama Ram 2x
Hare Rama Rama Ram Sita Rama Rama Ram 2x
Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram 4x
Bolo Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Hari Haraye Namah Krsna Yadavaya Namah
Hari Haraye Namah Krsna Yadavaya Namah (first 2 verse only)
Haraye namah Krsna, Yādavāya namah Hari
Yādavāya, Mādhavāya, Keśavāya namaha
Gopāla Govinda Rāma, Srī-Madhusūdana
Giridhārī Gopīnātha Madana-Mohana
Rhade Govinda Jaya, Rhade Govinda
Rhade Govinda Jaya, Rhade Govinda
Hari Bol Hari Bol - Ananda Mumbai
Hari Bol, Hari Bol Hari Bol, Hari Bol X2
Hari Bol, Hari Bol Hari Bol, Hari Bol X2
Hari Bol___ Hari Bol___ Hari Bol___ Hari Bol X2
Flow into:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hari Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya KD
Breath of Heart CD
Hari Om Namo Bhagavate Vasude va ya X2
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudeva ya X2
Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Hari Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya X 4
Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram close at top
Hey Ma Durga - KD
Begin waltz tempo
Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga 4x
Tempo shift
Jai Jagadambe Hey Ma Durga
Jai Jagadambe Hey Ma Durga 2x
Ma Kali Durge, Namo Namah
Ma Kali Durge, Namo Namah
Jaya Jagadambe Ma Durga Jai Jagadambe Ma Durga 2x
Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga 2x
Jaya Jagadambe Ma Durga Jai Jagadambe Ma Durga 2x
Om Narayani Om Narayani Om Om Narayani Om Narayani Om 2x
He Amba He Amba He Amba Bol
He Amba, He Amba, He Amba bol
Isvara sata chita ananda bol
Samba Sadasiva, Samba Sadasiva, Samba Sadasiva bol
Palaka preraka satapati bol
Amba Amba , Jaya Jagadamba
Akhilandesvari Jaya Jagadamba
Sing: Oh Mother who is Lord, Existence,
Awareness, Bliss Absolute, Eternally
Auspicious One, Protector, Inspirer
and Lord of All
Hail to Mother, the Mother of the World;
Hail to the Mother of the entire Universe
Hey Shiva Shankara, Hey Maheshwara (Moti Ma Live)
(Bestower of Happines Sukha and Remover of Sorrows Dukha)
Hey Shiva Shankara, Hey Maheshwara X2
Sukha Kara Dukha Hara Hara Hara Shankara X2
Om Namah Shivaya, Hara Om Namah Shivaya X4
Shiva is the destroyer of the ego, and the witness of all that passes.
All sorrow stems from identification with transient things, all happiness from identification with the eternal.
Om namah Shivaya = Om salutations to Shiva, literally,
or metaphorically, I am at one with the infinite.
Shankara = remover/destroyer of doubt (shanka + hara)
Maheshwara = great lord
Sukha = happiness Kara = Bestower
Dukha = sorrow Hara = Remover/Destroyer/thief
If You Think Me Near I Will Be Near
by Dinanath and Yogananda
If You Think Me Near If You Think Me Near x2
I Will Be Near I Will Be Near x2
So think me near my devotee X2
And I am here, Abide with me
Jai Ambe Jagadambe
Jai Ambe Jagadambe Mata Bhavani Jai Ambe 2x
Dukha Vinashini Durga Jaya Jaya
Kala Vinashini Kali Jaya Jaya 2x
Uma Rama Brahmani Jaya Jaya
Radha Rukamini Sita Jaya Jaya 2x
Jai Bajaranga Bali Jai Hanumana Ki
Jai Bajaranga Bali Jai Hanumana Ki
Jai Mahaveera Jai Hanuman
Jai Gurudeva Karo Kaliyan
Jai Jai Ganga Ma - Vamadeva
Jai Jai Ganga Ma Jai Jai Shankara
Jai Jai Ganga Ma Jai Jai Shankara
Bam Bolo Mahadeva Shankara
Bam Bolo Mahadeva Shankara
Jai Jai Jai Gananayaka - Moti Ma and Goma
Jai Jai Jai Gananayaka Jai Jai Vighna Vinashaka
Jai Shubha Mangala Dayaka Vidya Buddhi Pradayaka
Gaja Vadana Gauri Nandana x 4
Ganga Dhara Shiva Shambo Nandana X2
Devotional Singing always opens with a prayer to Lord Ganesh, the elephant headed son of Shiva, who helps us to overcome obstacles
Victory to the Lord of demigods (dieties - Gajanana),
who destroys obstacles and bestows auspiciousness and wisdom.
Oh elephant-faces One!
Thou art the loving son of mother Gauri and Shiva,
Who holds the Ganga in His (matted) hair.
Vighnavinashaka: Name for Ganesha, meaning the lord destroying the obstacles
Gananayaka: Name for Ganesha, meaning leader of the Ganas (Shivas army of demigods).
Ganga Dhara: Name for Shiva meaning bearer of the Ganga on His head.
Gaja Vadana: Name for Ganesha meaning the Lord with the elephant face.
Gauri: Name for Parvati, Shivas wife, Ganesha's mother
Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol Kirtaniyas
Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol
Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol
Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ananda Ma - by Moti Ma Shiva CD
Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ananda Ma X2
Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Jai Maa Amma Karunamayi
Jai Maa Jai Maa Jai Jai Ma-a x many
Jai Ma
Om Mata Kali Kali Durge Ma 2x
Om Mata Kali Kali Durge Ma 2x
Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Maaaa 2x
Jai Ma Kali Durge Ma
Jai Ma Kali Durge Maa Kali Ma
Jai Ma Kali Durge Maaaaa Kali Ma
Jai Maa aaa aaa Durge Ma
Jai Sita Ram Bajarangi Jai Hanuman by Prema Hara
Jai Sita Ram, Jai Sita Ram, // Bajarangi Jai Hanuman
Sita Ram.... Jai Sita Ram, Bajarangi Jai Hanuman
Hanuman Gosai-e Jai, Bolo Sita Ram x2
Bolo Sita Ra-am, Bolo Sita Ram
Sri Ra-am Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram x2
Sri-i Ra-am Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram x2
Jai Shiva Shankara
Jai Shiva Shankara, Jai Shiva Shankara
Jai Shiva Shankar Hari Om
Jai Shiva Shankara, Parameshwara
Jai Shiva Shankar Hari Om
Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya
Jai Bhagavan
Jaya Bhagavan // Jaya Bhagavan
Jaya Bhagavan // Jaya Bhagavan
Jaya Bhagavan Jaya Bhagavan
Jaya Bhagavan Jaya Bhagavan
Jaya Guru Omkara
Jaya Guru Omkara
Jaya Jaya Sataguru Omkara
Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva
Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev, //
Jaya Jagadambe (Chord of Love)
Jaya Jagadambe Sita Radhe 2x
Guari Durge Namo Namah 2x
Uma Parvati Ananda Mayi 2x
Guari Durge Namo Namah 2x
Maha Saraswati Lakshmi Devi 2x
Guari Durge Namo Namah 2x
Jaya Jagadambe (KD Ver2)
Om Shrii Matra Namah 2X
Jai Ambe Gauri Jaya Shama Gauri
Jai Jagadambe Jai Jai Jagadambe 2x
Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga 2x
Ma Kali Durge Namo Namah
[ Om Narayani Om Narayani ]
Jai Jagadambe Ma Durga Jai Jagadambe Ma Durga
Hey Ma Durga Hey Ma Durga 2X Jai Jai Jai
Jaya Jagadambe Sita Radhe Mt Madonna
Jaya Jagadambe Siii--taaa Radhe
Gauri Durge Namo Namah
Kali Durge Namo Namah
Kali Durge Namo Namah
Phalana Karani Bhava Bhaya Harani
Phalana Karani Namo Namah
Gauri Durge Namo Namah
Kali Durge Namo Namah
Uma Parvati Ananda Mayii
Kali Durge Namo Namah
Kali Durge Namo Namah
Jaya Jaya Hanuman
Jaya Jaya Hanuman Jaya Jaya Ram
Jaya Jaya Hanuman Jaya Sita Ram 2X
Hare Ram /// Hare Ram /// Rama Ra-ma Hare (hare hare) 2X
Shri Ram / Jai Ram / Jaya Jaya Ram
Shri Ram / Jai Ram / Jaya Sita Ram
Hare Ram /// Hare Ram /// Rama Ra-ma Hare (hare hare) 2X
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jaya Jaya Ram
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jaya Jaya Ram
Jaya Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram
Hare Rama Rama Ram// Sita Rama Rama Ram// Shri Ram Jai Ram
Jaya Jaya Kali Ma (Ma Jaya Ashram)
Jaya Jaya Kali Ma Jaya Kali Ma 2x
Kali Bolo Kali Bolo Bolo Bolo Ma 2x
Jaya Mata Kali Jai Mata Durga Eliza and Nina Hagen
Jaya Mata Kali Jai Mata Durga
Kali Durge, Namo Namah x 2
Kali Durge, Namo Nam-a-h
Kali Durge, Namo Namah
Jai Mata Kali, Durge Namo Namah
Jaya Radhe Jai Madhava (Jai Uttal)
Jaya Radhe Jai Madhava
Jai Govinda Jai Gopala
Jaya Radhe Jai Shri Radhe
Mukunda Madhava Hare Murare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe Govinda Radhe - Mt Madonna
Jaya Radhe, Jaya Ra-a-dhe
Govinda Radhe, Govinda Radhe x2
**Speed up here** double time verse
Jaya Radhe Govinda, Jaya Radhe Govinda
Ra- a- a--dhe , Govinda Radhe x2
1st time return to box 1 then just loop 2-3 to speed up.
High Part
Jaya Ra-a-dhe¬, Jaya Ra-a-dhe¬
Govinda Ra-dhe¬, Govinda Ra-dhe¬ X2
Slow Echo
Jaya Ra-a-dhe, (echo) // Jaya Ra-a-dhe (echo)
Jaya Ra-a-a-dhe, (echo) // Jaya Ra-a-adhe (echo)
Jaya Ma Durga Jaya Ma Durga 2X
Jaya Kali Ma Jaya Kali Ma 2X repeat jaya radhe once
Jaya Ma Ma Ma Jaya Ma Ma Ma 2X then End here
Jai Radha Madhava Jai Kunjavi Hari Jagit Singh Mt Madonna
Jai Radha Madhava_ _ _ Jai Kunjavi hari _ x2
Jai Gopi Jana_Valla-bha _ Jai Giri-Vara Dhari x2
Jasoda Nandana_ Vraja Jana Ranjana X2
Jamuna-Tira_ Vana- Chari, X2
Jai Kunja-vi Hari
Pause then Continue to Part 2: Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna / Hare Krishna / Kirshna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare RAMA / Hare RAMA / RAMA RAMA Hare Hare
Hare Krishna / Hare Krishna / Kirshna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama / Hare Rama / Rrama Rama Hare Hare
Jaya Guru Deva, Jaya Mt Madona Guru Purnama
Ja-ya Guru Deva Jaya, Jaya Guru Deva Jaya
Jaya Guru Deva, Ja- ya,
Satya Guru dev
Jaya Sita Ram Jaya, Jaya Sita Ram Jaya
Jaya Sita Ram Jaya,
Bolo Sita Ram
Jaya Hanuman Jaya, Jaya Hanuman Jaya,
Jaya Hanuman Jaya,
Bhaba Hanuman
Jaya Shiva Shankara, Jaya Shiva Shankara,
Jaya Shiva Shankara,
Shambo Shankara
Jaya Kali Ma Jaya, Jaya Kali Ma Jaya
Jaya Kali Ma Jaya
Maha Kali Ma
Jaya Shiva (Guru) Omkara
Jaya Shiva Omkara Hara Hara Sat Guru Omkara x2
Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Other Verses:
Jai Guru Omkara, Hara Hara Sat Guru Omkara
Jaya Shiva (Guru) Omkara
Jaya Shiva Omkara Swami Jaya Shiva Omkara
Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva Brahma Vishnu Sada Shiva
Hara Hara Hara Mahadev Jaya Hara Hara Hara Mahadev
Jaya Shiva Shankara, Vom Vom Hara Hara
Jaya Shiva Shankara, Vom Vom Hara Hara x4
Hara Hara Hara Hara Vom Vom Hara Hara x2
Jaya Sita Ram Baba Hanuman KD Breath of Heart CD
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Hanuman
Namo Namo_____ Namo Namo____ Anjani Nandanaya ___ 4x
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Hanuman 2x
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai Hanuman___ 2X
Jaya Sita Ram Jai Jai___ Hanuman
Jai Bajrangabalee Baba Hanuman X2
Sankata Mochana Kripha Nidhan x2
(Return to Jaya Sita Ram)
Rama Rama Ram___ Sita Rama Rama Ram____Hare
Jaya Vitthale - Dave Stringer
Jaya Vitthale Jaya Vitthale Jai Vitthale x2
↑Jaya Vitthale Jaya Vitthale Jai Vitthale x2
Pandu ranga / Pandu ranga / Pandu ranga / Vittha-le
Vitthale Vitthale Vitthale Vitthale X2 low
Vitthale Vitthale Vitthale Vitthale x2 high
Kali Durge Namo Namah (vamadeva Narayani Stotram)
Sarva Mangala Mangalye
Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
Sharanye Trayambike Gauri
Narayani Namostute------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uma Paravati Anandaymayi x2
Kali Durge...... Namo Namah x2
Kali Durge Namo Namah x4
Kailasha Shakti Shiva Mt Madonna
Kailasha Shakti Shiva Shankar Ki Jaya Jaya x2
Ganga Ki Jaya Jaya Yamuna Ki Jaya Jaya x2
2nd verse
Namah Shivay Om Namah Shivay Om x2
Ganga Ki Jaya Jaya Yamuna Ki Jaya Jaya x2
Kailasha Shakti Shiva Shankar Ki Jaya Jaya x2
Kala Vinashini (Krishna Das)
Kala Vinashini Kali Jaya Jaya x2
Dukha Vinashini Durga Jaya Jaya x2
Uma Rama Brahmanii Jaya Jaya x2
Radhe Sita Rukhmini Jaya Jaya x2
Kali Kalyani Kali Jaya Jaya x2
Radhe Sitay Rukhmini Jaya Jaya x2
Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala
Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala x 4
Krishna Murali Mano Hara Nanda Lala x 4
Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala x 4
Krishna Murali Mano Hara Nanda Lala x 4
Krishna Keshava, Rama Raghava Tulsi Harrison
Krishna Keshava, Krishna Keshava, Krishna Keshava / Pahimam
Rama Raghava, Rama Raghava, Rama Raghava / Rakshamam
Rakshamam: You are my Protector & Defender
Pahimam: I offer myself completely to you, I am no longer mine, I am yours alone,
I am your refugee
Krishna Kali (Bhagavan Das)
Krishna Kali ------ Krishna Kali
Krishna Rad--ha, Krishna Ra--- dha
Kali Ka__a_li Krishna Kali
Kirshna Krishna, Krishna Kali
Lokah Samastah Sukino Bhavantu Closing Blessing
Lokaha Samastaha
Sukino Bhavantu X3
Om shantih Shantih Shan-ti-hi
Maha Mrytunjaya Shiva Chant – Heather and Susan
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat
Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shivaya
Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shivaya
Mangala Murti Maruta Nandana
Mangala Murti Maruta Nandana
Sakala Amangala Mulani Kandana
Mangala Murti Maruta Nandana
Sakala Amangala Mulani Kandana
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Oh Auspicous Hanuman, fast as the wind, the
embodiment of mercy, you remove our suffering
and despair at its root.
Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu Mantra
मङ्गलम् भगवान विष्णुः, मङ्गलम् गरुणध्वजः।
मङ्गलम् पुण्डरी काक्षः, मङ्गलाय तनो हरिः॥
Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnuh,
Mangalam Garunadhwajah।
Mangalam Pundari Kakshah
Mangalaya Tano Harih॥
All auspiciousness to Lord Vishnu, all auspiciousness to one who has Garuda as His flag.
All auspiciousness to One who has eyes like the lotus flowers, and auspiciousness to Hari.
Om – the primordial and sacred sound vibration of the universe
Namo – a word used as a salutation that represents spiritual surrender
Bhagavate – refers to one who is divine or blessed
Vasudevay – can mean Krishna, the god (devaya) of light (vasu), or the infinite and formless Brahman
Mere Gurudev - KD
1) Mere Gurudev, charano-on - par, sumana Shraddha ke arpita hai
Tere-he de-e-ena , hai jo-o hai, Wahi-i tujha ko samarapita hai
Mere Gurudev, charano-on par, sumana Shraddha ke arpita hai
High Part 1st time x2 :
Na priti-hai prati-i ti-i hai, na hi puja ki Sha-ak-ti-i hai
2) Meraa yaha man, meraa yaha tan, meraa kan kan samarapita hai
Mere Gurudev, charano-on par, sumana Shraddha ke arpita hai
High Part 2nd time x2:
Tuma hee ho bhaava, me-en mere, vicharon mein, puka-a ro-on mein
3) Banaale yantra aba mujh ko mere saravatra samarapita hai
Mere Gurudev, charanon par sumana Shraddha ke arpita hai
My Dearest Gurudev I offer these flowers of my faith at your feet
Whatever I have, you have given to me, and I dedicate it all to you.
I have no love, nor do I know you.
I don’t even have the strength to worship you,
But this mind of mine, this body of mine,
my every atom is dedicated to you.
You are the only one in my heart and my thoughts.
You are the one who I call out to.
Now Make me your instrument all I am I offer to you...
My India - Yogananda
Where Ganges, Woods, Himalayan Caves,
And Men Dream God ------
I am hallowed, I am hallowed,
My body touched that Sod.
Long Time Sun
May the Long Time Sun Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on x3
Lokah Samasta Sukhinu Bhavantu
Om Hari Om Shanti Shanti Shanti__i
Namah Shiva Om- Hara Hara Bole / Shiva Dhun - Chelam Aum
Namah Shiva Om Namah Shivaya
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya
Ganga Dhara Shiva Ganga Dhara x many
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya
Other verses:
Vishweshvara Shiva Vishweshvara
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shiva Om
Someshwara Shiva Someshwara
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shiva Om
Rameshwara Shiva Rameswara
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shiva Om
Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah Dhara’s
Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah x 4
Shivaya Namah Shivaya Nama Om
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shiva_ya
Narayan, Narayan, Jai Jai Govinda Hare
Narayan, Narayan Jai Jai Govinda Hare
Narayan, Narayan Jai Jai Gopala Hare
Govinda Hare, Jai Jai Govinda Hare
Gopala Hare, Jai Jai Gopala Hare
Nataraj Nataraja - Jai Uttal
Nataraj Nataraja Jai Shiva Shankara Nataraja 2x
ShivaRaj ShivaRaja Shambo Shankara ShivaRaja 2x
Nataraj Nataraja Jai Shiva Shankara Nataraja 2x
Shiva Raj Shiva Raja Shambo Shankara Shiva Raja 2x
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya xmany
Om Mata By Mira Gale waltz beat
Om Mata Om Mata Ananda Ma // Ananda
Kala Vinashini BhadraKali Kapalani Maha – Devi
Om Hari Om Sharanam Ganesha Wild Lotus Band
Om Hari Om
Om..... Hari Om
Sharanam Ganesha, Sharanam Ganesha
Om Gam Ganapatiye Namaha, Om Gam Ganapatiye Namaha
Om Mata Durga by Mira Gale original Key of A
Om Mata Durga X2 or 4
Maa ta a a a a Maata
Om Ananda Ma by Mira Gale
Om Ananda Ma Om Ananda Ma x 2 low
first time
Hey Ma Durga Jai Kali Ma return to top
Kali Durge, Kali Durge Om Ananda Ma
Om Asatoma Satgamaya
Om____ Asatoma Satgamaya
Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityorma Amritam Gamaya
Lead us from Deception to Truth
from Darkness to Light
from Death to Blissful Immortality
Om Shanti -
Om Shanti, Om
Om Namo Gurudev Namo (snataum kaur)
Om Namo Gurudev
Gurudev, Gurudev Namo,
(Echo) Gurudev, Gurudev Namo
Gurudev, Gurudev Namo,
(Echo) Gurudev, Gurudev Namo
Om Krim Kali Ma
Om Krim Kali Ma, Om Krim Kali Ma
Om Krim Kali Ma-a-a, Om Krim Kali Ma
Sohum Sohum, Sohum Shivohum
Sohum Sohum, Sohum Shivohum
Other Verses:
Om Shrim Lakshmi Ma 4X
Saraswati Ma
Durga Devi Ma 4X
Jaiya Ambe Ma 4X
Jagadambe Ma 4X
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum 2x
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya , Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya
Shiva Om Namah
Om Nama Shivaya
Om Nama Shivaya, / Om Nama Shiva-ya
Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shiva-ya
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva , Om Nama Shivaya
Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shiva
Om Namah Shivaya - Krishna Das
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya 2x
Shivaya Namaha Shivaya Namah Om 2x
Shambho Shankara Namah Shivaya
Girija Shankara Namah Shivaya 4x both lines (2 low, 2 high)
Hara Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya 2x
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya (Jai Uttal)
Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah 4x
Om Namah Shiva---- ya
Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah Om Namah Shiva ----- ya
Om Namah Shivaya
Shivaya Parameshvaraya
Shivaya Parameshvaraya Shashi Shekaraya Namah Om
Bhavaya Guna Shyambavaya Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om
Shivaya Parameshvaraya Chandra Shekaraya Namah Om
Bhavaya Guna Shyam Bhavaya Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om
Om Namo Bhagavate –
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Hari Om Namo Bhagavate (Krishna Das)
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 2x
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 2x
Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram
Om Shiva Om Shiva Paratpara Shiva Mt MADONNA
Om Shiva Om Shiva, Paratpara Shiva
Om Kara Shiva, Tava Sharanam (x2)
Namami Shankara, Bhavani Shankara
Uma Maheshwara, Tava Sharanam (x2)
Paratpara= the Supreme of the most Supreme,
OmKareshwara = the supreme personification of Om
Sharanam = I surrender, I seek your refuge
Namami= I bow to
Om Narayani - Diana Rogers
Om Narayani Om Narayani
Om Narayani Namo Nama Repeat many
Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram
Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram
Om Tare - Deva Premal
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Swaha
Pandu Ranga Vitthale (Krishna the Glowing One) Mt Madonna
Pandu-ranga Vitthale Hari Narayana
Bhaja Narayana Go vin- da
Hari Narayana Bhaja Narayana,
Na-rayana Bhaja Govin-da
Panduranga Jaya Vitthale (Kerrys)
Panduranga Jaya Vitthale
Hari Narayana Jaya Vitthale
Vitthale, Vitthale, Vitthale
Radha Rani Ki Jai (Jai Uttal
Radha Rani Ki Jai, Maha Rani Ki Jai
Bolo Radha Govinda, Ki Jai Jai Jai
Radhe Radhe Shyam, Bolo Radhe Rade Shyam
Bolo Radha Govinda, Ki Jai Jai Jai
Radha Rani = Queen Radha
Ki Jai – All Praise and Glory, Victory!
Maha Rani = Greatest Queen
Govinda, Shyam - names of Krishna
Radhe Radhe Govinda Bolo
Govinda Govinda, Govinda Govinda
Govinda Govinda Govinda Bol
Radhe Radhe Govinda
Govinda Govinda Govinda Bol
Radhe Radhe Govinda Goviinda Radhe
Radhe Radhe Govinda Govinda Ra_a_dhe
Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam
(Shri) Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam
Govinda Radhe, Jai Shri Radhe
Govinda Radhe Radhe Shyam
Gopala Radhe Radhe Shyam
Radhe Radhe Jai Shri Radhe
Radhe Radhe Jai Shri Radhe
Shyamasundari Shri Radhe
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Radhe Radhe Govinda Radhe Mt Madonna
Radhe Radhe Go-vinda Ra-a-dhe
Radhe Radhe Govinda Ra-a-dhe
Ra-a- dhe Go-o-o- vinda (Bolo! )
Jaya Radhe (echo) // Jaya Ra-a-dhe //(echo)
Jaya Ra-a-dhe (echo)// Jaya Ra-a-dhe // (echo)
Jaya Kali Ma, Jaya Ma Durga, Jaya Ma Ma Ma
Raghupati Raghava - Bhagavan Das
Raghupati Rãghava Rajaram Patita Pavana Sita Ram
Sita Ram Jaya Sita Ram Bhaja pyare tu_ Sita Ram
Ishwara Allãh Tere Nãm Sabako SanMati De Bhagavãn
The song starts with the praise of Raja Ram (Lord Ram). Lord Ram is an incarnation of Vishnu (the preserving aspect of Brahman). Lord Ram is an embodiment of Dharma (Right duty, righteousness) and Virtue.
Raghupati Raghav means one who has attained all spiritual knowledge, who is strong and firm in righteousness, who is radiant like the thousand suns and who has viveka (spiritual discrimination) and vairagya (dispassion for worldly thing).
Patit Pavana means the uplifter of those who have fallen from the path of righteousness and virtue. So, we call upon Mother Sita and Raja Ram who are the uplifters of the fallen. Mother Sita is the daughter of Earth. She signifies selfless Love and purity. Mother Earth gives us everything she has without asking anything in return. Mother earth is always pure and everything we get comes from that purity.
Bhaj Pyare Tu Sita Ram means -- O beloved Lord Ram and Mother Sita we praise you for what you are and what you signify.
Ishvar Allah Tero naam means -- People call you by many names, some call you God "Ishvar" while some call you Allah, but you are the one and only Holy Spirit that is within us all and we are all within you.
Sabko Sanmati De Bhagvan means -- Bless everyone with this very wisdom that we are all the product of the same Holy Spirit and that all of us strive towards the path of righteousness and virtue.
Hope that you will find peace and joy in singing this bhajan. We will get utmost spiritual benefit of this devotional song if we can remember its meaning and significance while singing.
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Rama Bolo Rama Bolo
Rama Bolo Rama Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Rama Bolo Rama Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Other Verses:
Sita Bolo, Sita Bolo, Bolo Bolo Ram
Hanuman Bolo, Hanuman Bolo, Bolo Bolo Ram
Ram Bolo – Mt. Madonna
Ram Bolo Ram Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram repeat 4x to begin
Ram Bolo Ram Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Sita Bolo Sita Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram repeat 2x
Sita Bolo Sita Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Hanuman repeat 2x
Hanuman Bolo Hanuman Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Hanuman Bolo Hanuman Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Rama Bolo - Chord of Love
Rama Bolo Rama Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram repeat 2x
Bolo Ram Bolo Ram Bolo Ram Bolo Ram
Bolo Bolo Rama Bolo Rama Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram
Rama Rama Rama
Rama Rama Rama Shri Rama Shri Rama x4
Rama Rama Rama Shri Rama Shri Rama x4
Rama Rama Rama Shri Rama Shri Rama x4
Shri Rama Shri Rama Shri Rama Shri Rama x4
Ram Sita Ram - London Roots Kirtan Jhanavi
Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Jai Jai Ram X4
Samba Sada Shiva
Saamba Sada Shiva, Saamba Sadaa Shiva,
Samba Sadaa Shiva, Hara Shambho
Hey Girijavara, Hey Girijaavara,
Hey Girijaavara, Hara Shambho
Hey Mrytunjaya Sachitasukamaya
Hey Karunamaya Hara Shambho
Hey Shiva Shankara, Hey Shiva Shankara
Hey Shiva Shankara, Hara Shambo
Shivoham Shivoham Manish Vyas
Sachãra Chara Para Purnã
Shivoham Shivoham
Nityãnanda Swarupã
Shivoham Shivoham
Anandoham Anandoham
Anandoham Anandoham return to top
Shivoham Shivoham Shivoham_ Shivoham
Om Namah Shiva, Om Namah Shiva Om Namah Shiva, Om Namah Shiva
I am that which prevails everywhere...
complete in itself.
I am Shiva; the deity of eternal bliss.
i am Joy itself…i am bliss itself.
Shambha Shivo Jaya - (Mt Madonna Jaya Shambho CD)
Shambha Shivo Jaya, Shambha Shivo Jaya,
Shambha Shivo Jaya Shambha Shivo
Om Ma-a-ta, Om Mat-a-a, Om Shri-i Ma-a-ta Shambha Shivo-o
Shakti Kundalini
Om Mata Om Kali Durga Devi Namo Namah 2x
Shakti Kundalini Varaday Mata x many
Shakti Kundalini version 2
Om Mata Om Kali
Durga Devi Namo Namaha
Shakti Kundalini Varade Mata
Shakti Kundalini Jadadame Mata
Shiva Shiva Mahadeva
Shiva Shiva Mahadeva Namah Shivaya Sada Shiva
Shiva Shiva Mahadeva Namah Shivaya Sada Shiva 2x
Kali Kali Maha Mata Namah Kalike Namo Namah
Kali Kali Maha Mata Namah Kalike Namo Namah 2x
Durga Durga Maha Maya Namah Durgaya Namo Namah
Durga Durga Maha Maya Namah Durgaya Namo Namah 2x
Shiva Shiva Shambho Shankara Mt Madonna
Shiva Shiva Shambho Shan-ka-ra
Hara Hara Hara Mahadevaya
Ganga-jata Dhara
Gauri Mano Hara
Parthi puri Parameshwara
Shiva, the auspicious, the beneficient (Shambho), the One who brings Prosperity and joy (Shankara), the Destroyer (Hara) of evils, the great Lord (Mahadeva), who holds the river Ganaga in the locks of His Hair, who conquers the heart of Gauri (Parvathi), the highest Lord of the Universe)
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambho
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambho
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambho
Mahadeva Shambho
Mahadeva Shambho
Other verses:
Hare Hare Shiva Shambo
Shri Ganesha Rakshamam / Pahimam
Sri Ganesha // Sri Ganesha // Sri Ganesha // Pahimam
Jaya Ganesha // Jai Ganesha // Jai Ganesha // Rakshamam
Sri Ganesha Pahimam
Jaya Ganesha Rakshamam
Rakshama = Protect me
Pahima = I am your refugee
Shri Guru Sharanam Namo Namo Namo KDs
Shri Guru Charanam Shri Hari Sharanam
Shri Guru Charanam Shri Hari Sharanam
Shri Guru Charanam Shri Hari Sharanam
Shri Guru Sharnam Namo Namo Namo Mt Madonna
Shri Guru Sharanam Namo, Namo Namo
Shri Guru Charanam Namo, Namo Namo
Other verses:
Ram Guru Sharanam
Ma Guru Sharanam
Om Guru Sharanam
Jai Guru Sharanam
Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare
Shrii Krishna Govinda Hare Murare X2
He Natha Narayana Vasudeva X2
Back to top and repeat End: Pause then continue Into ______________________________________________________________
Gopala Devaki Nandana Gopala
Gopala-a, Gopala-a, Devaki Nandana Gopala
Devaki Nandana Gopala Devaki Nandana Gopala
Shri Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam
Shri Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam
Govinda Radhe (Jai) Shri Radhe
Govinda Radhe Radhe Shyam
Gopala Radhe Radhe Shyam
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram KD
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram 4x
Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Shri Ramachandra Rama Hey
Shri Ramachandra Rama Hey
Ramachandra Rama Hey 2x
Hey Natha Narayana Hey Natha Narayana
Ramachandra Rama Hey
Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Jaya Sita Ram Vamadeva
Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Jaya Sita Ram X2
Hanuman Hanuman Hanuman Jaya Sita Ram X2
Jaya Sita, Sita Ra-a-am
Jaya Si-ta Hanuma-a-n
Sita Ram Bol Devadas
Sita Ram // Sita Ram // Sita Ram Bol
Radheshyam Radheshyam Radheshyam Bol
Hari Bol / Hari Bol / Hari Hari Bo-l x4
Mukunda Madhava Govinda Bol (return to top)
Hari Bol / Hari Bol / Hari Hari Bo-l x4
Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram Ashok Nalnalapo
Sita Ram Sita Ram
Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram
Tumi Bhaja Re Mana -Satva CD
Tumi Bhaja Re Manna x2
Tumi Japa Re Manna x2
Om Shri Ram Jaya Ram, Japa Re Mana
Tvam Eva Mata
Tvam eva mata cha pita twameva
Tvam eva bandhu cha sakha twameva
Tvam eva vidya dravinam twameva
Tvam eva sarvam mama deva deva
Thou Art My Mother, My Father Thou Art
Thou Art My Friend, Like a Brother Art Thou
Thou Art My Wealth, My Wisdom Thou Art
Thou Art My Own Light of Lights art Thou
You alone are my mother and my father,
You alone are my friend and my beloved,
You alone are my knowledge and my wealth,
O Supreme Lord, you alone are everything for me
Uma Parvati Anandamayii Narayani Stotram /
Uma Parvati Ananda Mayii 2X
Kali Durge Namoh Namah (Ma-a) x2
High Part
Kali Durge Namoh Na mah 2x
Vitthale Hari (Jaya) Vitthale
Vitthale…… Hari / Jaya Vitthale, 2x
Vitthale…… Hari / Jaya Vitthale,
Vitthale…… Hari / Jaya Vitthale 1st time to Jai Jai Vithale
2nd time drop to Panduranga
1st Jai Jai Vitthale......Hari Narayana 2X
Jai Jai Jai Jai Vithale.....Hari Narayana 2x
(first time Return to top)
2nd Panduranga Vithale Hari Narayana, 2x
Purandara Vithale Hari Narayana, 2x
Hari Narayana Bhaja Narayan, 2x
Bhaja Narayana, Satya Narayan, 2x
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Short Version
Salutations to the Goddess, who resides in all beings in the form of:
Mother, Wisdom, Sleep, Shadow, Reflection, Peace, Contentment,Compassion, Radient beauty, Forgiveness, Primal Source Energy, Goodness and abundance.
To that constant, Supreme Eternal Presence, I offer myself in grateful adoration again and again.
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Buddhi Rupena Samsthita
Namastasyei Namastasyei Namastasyei Namo Namaha
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Matri Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Shakti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Nidra Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Chaya Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Daya Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Khanti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Bhranti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Shanti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Kanti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Tushti Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Shradha Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu , Lakshmi Rupena Samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu
Vishnu-mayeti Shabdita
Namastasyei Namastasyei
Namastasyei Namo Namaha
Salutations to Divine Mother - Shakti Devi who is the power of Lord Vishnu, who abides in all beings.. Salutations to Her again and again
Chetanaetya-bhidhiyate Who abides as the eternal consciousness in all beings.
Buddhi-rupena Samsthita Who manifests as intelligence in all beings.
Nidra-rupena Samsthita Who causes sleep in all beings.
Kshudha-rupena Samsthita Who causes hunger in all beings.
Chhaya-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings as the power of reflection.
Shakti-rupena Samsthita Who manifests as power in all beings.
Thrishna-rupena Samsthita Who manifests as thirst in all beings.
Khanti-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings in the form of forgiveness.
Jaati-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings in the form of genius.
Lajja-rupena Samsthita Who manifests in all beings in the form of modesty.
Shanti-rupena Samsthita Who manifests in all beings in the form of peace.
Shraddha-rupena Samsthita Who manifests in all beings in the form of faith.
Kanti-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings in the form of beauty.
Vritti-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all begins in the form of activity.
Smriti-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings in the form of memory.
Daya-rupena Samsthita Who abides in the form of compassion in all beings.
Tusti-rupena Samsthita Who abides in the form of contentment in all beings.
Bhrant-rupena Samsthita Who abides in all beings in the form of delusion.
Matri-rupena Samsthita The ruler of all elements and senses.
Indriya-anaam Adhis-tatri The ruler of all senses and sensation
Bhutaana-amcha The ruler of all elements
Akhilesh-ucha The ruler of all creation and beings
Bhuteshu Satatam Tasyei,
Vyapti-devyei Namo Namaha
Chiti-rupena Ya Kritsna-maetat Vyapya Sthitha Jagat
Namastasyei Namastasyei Namastasyei Namo Namaha
Shakti Devi pervades this entire universe and abides in all beings in the form of consciousness. Salutations to Her again and again
ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ Prayers and Invocations ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ
Akhanda Mandala Karam yaptam jena Chara-charam
Tatpadam Dharshitam jena Tasmae Shri Gurave Namah
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshvara
Guru Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmae Shri Gurave Namah
Purna Mada Purna Midam
Om purna mada purna midam
Purnaat purnam udachyate
Purnasya purnam adaaya
Purnam eva vasishyate
Om shanti shanti shantih
That is the whole, this is the Whole; from the Whole, the Whole arises; taking away the Whole from the Whole, the Whole remains.
Om Asatoma Satgamaya
Om Asatoma SatGamaya
Tamso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya
Om Shantih Shantih Shan-ti-hi
Om, lead us from Untruth to Truth,
From Darkness to Light
From death, to Immortality
ॐ Om peace, peace, peace
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
Om Trayambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat
Closing Blessings:
We close with a universal prayer of blessing for the welfare of all beings throughout creation:
Lokaha Samastaha
Sukino Bhavantu
Om shantih Shantih Shan-ti-hi
May all beings, in all worlds be blessed with freedom, health and happiness
Om, we invoke the Divine Primordial Source Energy to infuse us with
Peace in all bodies, Peace in all minds, Peace in all souls.
Om Shri Gurubhyo Namaha Hari Om Tat Sat
Praise and gratitude for all of our Gurus (teachers)
ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ