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Here is a wonderful article about the healing benefits of chanting and toning mantras and sacred sounds. It is written by a sound healer and published author Deborah Van Dyke. Her book “Traveling the Sacred Sound Current” is available at Northern Lights Wholistic Bookstore in Ft Collins. SOUND: THE MAGICAL INSTRUMENT OF THE SOUL By Deborah Van Dyke Sound is a prime organizing force pervading all acts of creation. The hidden nature of sound vibration is fiery and magnetic; a key aspect which lies at the root of all manifested form. The process of form building can be understood as intention which crystallizes into matter by means of the energetic structuring of sound. Understanding sound as causal in the creation process, we begin to grasp the tremendous power it wields. Through the conscious use of our voice we can align our body instrument with the resonant field of our Soul. When we consciously focus our self-generated vocal sounds, expressed through mantra, chant, or a singular pure tone, these sounds can become carriers for the magical consciousness of the soul and the means for effecting transformation within the deepest levels of manifestation. In this integrated state we are receptive to the Will and Love aspects of Logos, the Divine Tone of One, and our vocals unveil their potential as a sacred instrument capable of harmonizing, purifying, and healing not only our self, but others and the greater whole. Our sacred soundings, animated by our breath, infuse our creative intentions with the life force of our soul. We are born with all the essential tools inherent within. While there are many psycho-acoustical instruments that can be utilized to complement our sound work, first and foremost, our most precious and effective instrument remains that of our own voice. By centering one's attention in the ajna center, holding a sacred intention and producing a vocal tone, we can clear discordant energies from our auric field, develop our inner channelways to access higher dimensions of consciousness, and anchor these new frequencies at the cellular level of our body instrument. As we restore harmony to our inner field, this sphere of peace begins to extend outward, impacting the world around us. The frequency of our individual note joins with other notes and a global harmony begins to formulate. This reattunement and rejuvenation of our physical, emotional, and mental bodies, affects the tone of the whole planet. The vibrations of others begin to respond in sympathetic resonance to our note as, note by note, we sound the earth back to its original state of harmony. A Sound Exercise: OM - THE TONE OF ONE Each of us emits a unique vibratory tone comprised of a multiple of frequencies that reflect our thought life, our emotions, our etheric body. The practice of working meditatively and toning a single tone is an extremely powerful way of unifying the energies of our various bodies and helps reconnect us with the root of our true nature, which is ONE TONE. Our singular focus on one pure tone, helps to command all the varied aspects of self into alignment. It aids in our ability to center our self, quiet the external chatter of our mind, and enter into holy communion with our soul. Here we connect with the essential part of self that is connected to the whole of creation. If there is any one sound that could be said to most closely express the great, creative, cosmic Tone of One, it would be that of the Om or Aum. The toning of Om sets up a resonance within us with the vibratory hum of the universe. Begin with a deep inhale and as you start to exhale, open your mouth and allow the elongated sound of “OOOOOOO” to emerge, followed by the closing of your lips to produce the lingering “MMMMMMM” sound, followed by a cycle of one deep in and out breath. With each successive “Om” you will find yourself relaxing and sinking deeper into a state of oneness with creation. The level upon which Om may be experienced will be dependant upon a person’s ability to focus meditatively on its energy while toning. Simply pronouncing it correctly is not enough, you must allow yourself to sink deeper into the sound, allowing the vastness of Om and All That Is to enfold you. The Om then becomes as a sacred arrow, harnessing your attention while all other thoughts fade away. In this inner space, you are one with your Highest Being. As the ONE TONE manifests into the form world, it subdivides into several tones. These tones find expression in the pure vibrational energies of vowel tones; magnetic carriers of the cosmic energies. The sounding of elongated vowel sounds can activate a deep soul resonance in our body, revitalize energy in our chakras and regenerate the physical body. There are various associations of vowel tones with specific chakras that can be used, however my experience has been that the entire body is a sounding board. It is a dynamic, constantly changing energy system that resonates to different sounds and pitches according to its current state. Sometimes we may be drawn to making very deep, guttural tones, other times it may be high pitched, angelic tones. Your body knows what sound it wants to make if you just allow yourself the freedom to play. Simply follow your own intuitive guidance using the following vowel sounds and your body vehicle will naturally absorb what is needed, wherever it needs it. Repeat each tone for as long as you desire and in whatever note feels natural and comfortable to you before moving to the next one. The longer you allow yourself to work with one tone, the deeper your attunement. These seven vowel sounds can be further understood as seven vibratory notes of the Seven Rays, whose sounding enlivens the seven chakras: UH (as in “the”) OU (as in “blue”) OH (as in “toe”) AH (as in “father”) II (as in “eye”) EH (as in “say”) EE (as in “bee”) Always preceed your toning with a series of slow, deep, rhythmic breaths. Toning originates from our living breath, our breath is the very essence, the life force behind our sound. The pause or stillpoint between our incoming breath and our outgoing breath is the space from which our sound originates. When your toning feels complete, close your session with some long, slow breaths, allowing a period of silence during which the energies of the sounds can assimilate and coalesce within. OM.
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