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  • Heart Connection Community Kirtan
     Bhajan words
  • Here is a list of some of some of the many wonderful Chants that we sing.  We will keep updating this page, so please check back often.
  • My personal feeling is unbounded Joy and Bliss when chanting. Regardless of what the words mean, by singing them we have a direct experience of the many rays of our one Divine Source. Sanskirt names for the many aspects of the one creator touch our hearts directly because they by-pass our minds.  We can never experience God with our mind, its only in our heart where we can meet. By chanting these Divinely infused names our hearts understand their meaning by direct experience, the mind is stilled and silent, and our hearts are expanded and blissful. 
  • Opening Invocation: 
  • Om Shanti, Om
  • Om Asatoma Satgamaya
    Om Asatoma Satgamaya       Lead us from Deception to Truth
  • Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya      from Darkness to Light
  • Mrityorma Amritam Gamaya     from Death to Blissful Immortality
     Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti    Om, peace, peace, perfect peace
  • Guru Gita: Invocation
    Guru Brahma,  Guru Vishnu
    Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
    Guru Saakshat,   Param Brahma
    Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha  (repeat)

    Guru is that which dispels the darkness
    Guru is Brahma the Creator.
    Guru is Vishnu the Preserver.
    Guru is Shiva the Transformer.
    Guru is the Supreme Being manifest in human form.
    To that Supreme Divine Teacher, I offer my heartfelt salutations, reverence and endless gratitude.

    Dhyana Mulam Gurur Murtim (From the Guru Gita)
    Dhya-na mu-lam  Gurur  murtim
    Pu-ja   mu-lam,   Gurur pa-dam
    Mant-ra mu-lam, Gurur  vak-yam
    Mok-sha mu-lam, Gurur  kri-pa
    The root of meditation (dhyana) is the form of the Guru,
     the root of worship (Puja) is the feet of the Guru,
     the root of mantra (sacred sound) is the word of the Guru,
     the root of liberation (Moksha) is the grace of the Guru.

  • ____________________________________________
     Was that Hari, Hara, or Hare ?

Hari means “Shining One”, and also “thief”. The Gods steal or take away our illusions, burdens and ultimately they steal our hearts. Hara also comes from a root word meaning Joy.

Hari refers to Lord Vishnu (part of the Hindu trinity) and Krishna because Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu.

Hare is the vocative form of Hari, and refers to both Krishna and Ram as in the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra. Both Ram and Krishna were incarnations of Lord Vishnu.
Hara refers to Lord Shiva
Hara is also the feminine aspect of God (Ishvara), known as Shakti
Hara is a name of Krishna's consort, known as Radharani or Radhe

Don’t worrry over which is who, when we are chanting the feeling of all of these “HA” vibrations is from the sacral chakra (lower abdomen energy center).
You can feel their effect regardless of whether we understand the meaning.

Lord Vishnu,  Preservation of CreationOm Namo Bhagavate
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

  1. Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya,
    Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya
  2. Om, I bow in reverence to the supreme Lord Vasudevaya. The all pervading essence of all beings and the sustainer of creation.
  3. Bhagavate literally means “One who possesses great wealth”. The title Bhagavan is used to mean Lord or Great God.  Vasudevaya refers to Lord Vishnu, (one of the trinity of Gods: Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva) . Vishnu also known as Narayana, is the supreme being or Ultimate Reality for Vaishnavas (devotees of Lord Kirshna) and a manifestation of Brahman (God) in the Advaita  tradition of Hinduism.
  4. Vishnu incarnated on the earth as Lord Krishna.
  5. The Vishnu Sahasranama describes Vishnu as the All-Pervading Essence of all beings.  He is not limited by space, time or substance, Vishnu supports, sustains and governs the Universe and originates and develops all elements within. 
  6. In the Trimurti, (Hindu Trinity) Vishnu is responsible for the maintenance or 'preservation' of the Universe, with the other roles of creation and desolation being under the care of Brahma and Shiva, respectively.

  7. Songs to Ganesha
  8. Gnesha3Jai Jai Jai Gananayaka
    Jai Jai Jai Gananayaka,   Vidya Budi Pradayaka
    Jai Shubha Mangala Dayaka,  Vidya Budi Pradayaka     X2
    Gaja Vadana  Gauri Nandana  x 4
    Ganga Dhara Shiva Shambo Nandana  X2
    Devotional Singing always opens with a prayer to Lord Ganesh, the elephant headed son of Shiva, who helps us to overcome obstacles

  9. Ganesha Sharanam - Gam GanaPataye
    Ganesha Sharanam Ganesha Sharanam
    Ganesha Sharanam Jai Jai Ganesha   

    Gam GanaPataye Namo Namah
    Gam GanaPataye Namo Namah
    Gam GanaPataye Namo Namah

  10. Ganesha Sharanam (Ananda)
    Ganesha Sharanam, Sharanam Ganesha

    Ganapti Om Jaya  Ganapati Om
    Ganapti Om Jaya  Ganapati Om 
    Ganapataiye. GanaPataiye

  11. Gam Gam Ganapataiye Namo Namaste
     Gam Gam Ganapataiye Namo Namaste  X4
    Namo Namaste, Namo Namaste     X2

  12. Jai Ganesha Rakshamam / Pahimam
    Sri Ganesha // Sri Ganesha // Sri Ganesha // Pahimam
    Jaya Ganesha // Jaya Ganesha // Jaya Ganesha //  Rakshamam

    Sri Ganesha  Pahimam,   Jaya Ganesha  Rakshamam

  13. Songs to Ram & Sita & Hanuman
  14. Ram,Lakshman,Sita&Hanuman
  15. Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
  16. Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
  17. Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram
  18. Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram







    Bajarangi Jai Hanuman  by Prema Hara 
    Jai Sita Ram, Jai Sita Ram
    Bajarangi Jai Hanuman
    Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram
    Bajarangi Jai Hanuman

    anuman Gosai-e Jai,  Bolo Sita Ram
    Hanuman Gosai-e Jai, Bolo Sita Ram
    Bolo Sita Ra-am, Bolo Sita Ram
    Bolo Sita Ra-am, Bolo Sita Ram
    Faster ( Clap)________________

    Sri Ram Jai Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram
    Sri Ram Jai Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram
    Sri-i Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram
    Sri-i Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram

    Ram Bolo Ram, Jai Jai Ram
    Ra-am Bolo Ram, Jai Jai Ram


    Hare Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya (kd)

    Harei Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya   (repeat many times)
    Ram Ram Sita Ram, Ram Ram Sita Ram
    Sita Ram Sita Ram, Ram Ram Sita Ram


    Hare Rama Rama Ram, Sita Rama Rama Ram (KD)

    Hare Rama Rama Ram, Sita Rama Rama Ram
    Ram Ram Sita Ram, Ram Ram Sita Ram
    Sita Ram, Sita Ram Ram Ram
    Sri Ram Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram
    Sri Ram Jaya Ram, Jai Jai Ram



    Jai Bajaranga Bali, Jai Hanuman Ki

    Jai Bajaranga Bali , Jai Hanumana Ki

    Jai Mahaveera, Jai Hanuman,  Jai Gurudeva Karo Kalyan    x2


    Jai Sita Ram, Jai Jai Sita Ram (Moti Ma)
    Jai Sita Ram, Jai Jai Sita Ram  X 6
    Jai Hanuman, Jai Jai Hanuman X6


    Jaya Jaya Hanuman, Jaya Jaya Ram

    Jaya Jaya Hanuman, Jaya Jaya Ram  X2

    Jaya Jaya Hanuman, Jaya Sita Ram  X2

    Hare Ram, Hare Ram Rama Rama Hare x2
    Shri Ram, Jai Ram Jaya Jaya Ram

    Shri Ram, Jai Ram Jaya Sita Ram




    Jaya Sita Ram Om

    Sita Ram Sita Ram

    Hare Sita Ram (om)

    Hare Ram Hare Ram

    Hare Sita Ram


    Mangala Muriti  Mahruta Nananda

    Mangala Murati,  Mahruta Nananda
    Sakala Amangala Mulani Kananda

    Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram


    Om Namah Shivaya – Sita Rama Om

    Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya    x5
    Shiva Om Nama
    Sita Rama, Rama Om, Sita Rama, Rama Om  x5
    Jai Jai Sita Ram


    Raghupati Ragava Raja Ram

    Raghupati Ragava Raja Ram, Patita-pavana Sita Ram   X2
    Sita Ram, Sita Ram,  Sita Rama, Jaya Sita Ram


    Ram Bolo Ram Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram

    Ram Bolo Ram Bolo Bolo Bolo Ram  X2
    Sita Bolo Sita Bolo  Bolo Bolo Ram  X2
    Hanuman Bolo, Hanuman Bolo, Bolo Bolo Ram  X2


    Rama Bolo 

    Rama Bolo, Rama Bolo  Bolo Bolo Ram   X2
    Sita Bolo, Sita Bolo, Bolo Bolo Ram      X2
    Hanuman Bolo, Hanuman Bolo,  Bolo Bolo Ram  X2


    Rama Raghava

    Rama Raghava, Rama Raghava, Rama Raghava, Rama Rakshamam

    Krishna Keshava, Krishna Keshava, Krishna Keshava Pahimam


    Shrii Ram Jaya Jaya Ram  (Diana Rogers)

    Shrii Ram,  Jaya Jaya Ra-a-am

    Shrii Ram Jaya Ram,  Jaya Jaya Ram

    Shrii Ram Jaya Ram,  Jaya Jaya Ram  x2


    Sri Ram - Sita Ram  (KD)

    Sri Ram, Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram    (Slow - repeats many times)

    Sita Ram, Sita Ram, Sita Ram Sita Ram  X 2
    Sri Ram, Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram  (Fast repeats many times)


    Sri Ram Jai Ram  (Ananda)

    Sri Ram, Jai Ram,  Jai Jai Ram Om,
    Sri Ram, Jai Ram,  Jai Jai Ram


    Sri Ram, Jai Ram  
    Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram Om 
    Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram Om 
    Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Jaya Sita Ram
    Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Jaya Hanuman
    Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Jaya Sri Ram Om,
    Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram Om.


    Sri Rama Chandra Rama Hey

    Sri Rama Chandra Rama Hey    X2
    Hey Natha Narayana, Hey Natha Narayana,  Rama Chandra Rama Hey


    Sri Rama Jai Rama, Jai Jai Ram Om

    Sri Rama Jai Rama Jai Jai Ram
    Sri Rama Jai Rama Jai Jai Ram Om    x4

    Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram   2nd part
    Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram


    Tumi Bhaja Re Mana

    Tumi Bhaja Re Mana   x2
    Tumi Japa Re Mana    x2
     Om Shri Ram Jaya Ram
    Japa Re Mana


  2. Songs to Divine Mother - The Divine Goddess
  3. Tri Devi - 3 Goddesses  The Tridevi – the conjoined forms of Lakshmi , Parvati and Saraswati - considered Shaktis of the Trimurti- Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma respectively.
  4. Twameva Mata -  tranlation by Yogananda
    Twameva Mata, Chapita Twameva
    Twameva Bhandus, Chasaka Twameva
    Twameva Vidyea, Dravenam Twameva
    Twameva Sarvum, Mama Deva Deva
  5. Thou art my Mother, My Father thou art,
  6. Thou art my Friend, like a brother art thou,
  7. Thou art my Wealth, My Wisdom thou art,
  8. Thou art my own Light of Lights art thou
  9. Amba Bhavani, Jai Jagadambe
    Amba Bhavani, Jai Jagadambe    x4
    Jai Ma, Jai Ma Jaya Jadadmbe     X4
    Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma,   X 2

  10. Amma Amma Taye
    Amma Amma Taye,  Akhilandeshwari Niye
    Anapurneshwari Taye, Oh Adi Para Shakti Niye

  11. Ananda Mayi, Chaitanya Mayi
    Ananda Mayi, Chaitanya Mayi
    Satya Mayi, Parame,       Satya Mayi, Parame

  12. Bhajamana Ma Ma Ma Ma
    Bhajamana Ma Ma Ma Ma
    Ananda Mayi Ma Ma
    Ananda Rupa Ma Ma

    Bhavani Jaya Jaya
    Bhavani Jaya Jaya,  Bhavani Jaya  x2
    Kailash Shakti Shiva, Shankar Ke Jaya, Jaya x2
    Nama Shivay Om, Nama Shivay Om  x2

  13. Chamundaye Kali Ma  (Moti Ma)
    Chamundaye Kali Ma,   Annapurna Devi Ma   x2
    Kali Durge, Kali Ma, Kali Ma          x 2            

    Maha Kali, Kali Ma, Ma, Ma
    Maha Kali, Kali Ma

  14. Chamundaye Kali Ma
    Chamundaye Kali Ma
    Kali Ma, Kali Ma, Kali Ma
    Namah Shivaya, Namah Shivaya, Namah Shivaya, Namah Shivaya
  15. ,
    De Darshan Ma Devi Ma
    De Darshan Ma Devi Ma,  Ambe Ma Bhavani Ma  X4
    Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma   (repeat)
    Grant me Your vision/blessings of the Divine Form of Bhavani Ma 
    “De” is the familiar way of saying “give it to me now!” Like a child insisting his mother give him food.

  16. Devi Mata – Shakti Rupena  Call & Response
    Devi Mata ,  Shanti  Rupena ( Embodiment of Peace)
               Bhakti Rupena  (Embodiment of love)
                Shakti Rupena  (Embodiment of power)
                Buddhi Rupena  (Embodiment of wisdom)
                Matri   Rupena  (Embodiment of our mother)
                Tushti  Rupena  (Embodiment of contentment)
    Shakti Rupena, Devi Mata     (Embodiment of Divine Power)

  17. Durge Durge, Durge Jai Jai Ma
    Durge Durge, Durge Jai Jai Ma  x4
    Karuna Sagari Ma  x2
    Kali Kapalini Ma x2
    Jagao Dharini Ma x2
    Jagadambe Jai Jai Ma x2

  18. Durge Durge, Kali Durge Jai Jai Ma   call & response
    Durge Durge, Kali Durge Jai Jai Ma  x4
    Ma Ma Ma, Ma Ma Ma
    Kali Durge Jai Jai Ma

  19. Jai Jai Ganga Ma
    Jai Jai Ganga Ma, Jai Jai Shankara  X2 
    Bam Bolo Mahadeva Shankara   X2
    Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ananda Ma
    Jai Ma, Kali Durge Ma

    Jai Ma, Kali Durge Ma, Kali Ma
    Jai Ma, Kali Durge Ma

    Jai Ma, Ma, Ma, Durge Ma
    Jai Ma, Ma, Ma, Kali

    Jaya Jaya Kali Ma 
    Jaya Jaya  Kali Ma, Jaya Kali Ma  X2
    Kali Bolo Kali Bolo,   Bolo Bolo Ma  X2

    Jaya Mata Kali Mata 
    Jaya Mata Kali Mata,   Uma Parvati Ananda Ma
    Ananda Ma, Ananda Ma, Ananda Ma,  Jai Ananda Ma

    Jaya Mata, Lakshmi Mata, Rukamini Ananda Ma
    Ananda Ma, Ananda Ma, Ananda Ma,  Jai Ananda Ma

    Jaya Mata Kali Mata, Kali Mata, Bhavani Ma
    Bhavani Ma, Bhavani Ma, Bhavani Ma, Jai Bhavana Ma

  20. Jayanti Mangala Kali
    Bhadra-kali Kapalini
    Durga Kshama Shiva Datri
    Swaha Swadha Namostute

    • Oh, auspiscious Mother Kali
      Victorious and loving, you adorn
      yourself with your children's suffering.
      Mother who embraces the entire
      creation, accept from this one these
      prayers sung to you for all of time.

  21. Om, Sarvangala Mangale
    Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
    Sharanye Trambakye Gauri
    Narayani Namostute

    • Aum, she who is the most auspicious
      of all, cause of all success,
      Three eyed Gauri,
      Salutations to Narayani.

  22. Sharana-gata Dinartha
    Pari-trana Parayane
    Sarva Shakti Hare Devi
    Narayani Namostute

    • You are the savior of all
      who seek your refuge,
      You remove all the pain of life,
      Salutations to Narayani.

  23. Kali Durge Namo Namah
    Kali Durge Namo Namah, X2
    Namo Namah, Namo Namah X4

    Mahishasura Mardini (abridged refrain only)
    Jaya Jaya Hey Mahi-shasura Mardini
    Ramyaka Pardini Shailasute

  24. Om Krim Kali Ma
    Om Krim Kali Ma, Om Krim Kali Ma,
    Om Krim Kali Ma, Om Krim Kali Ma,
    Sohum Sohum, Sohum Shivohum
    Sohum Sohum, Sohum Shivohum

  25. Shakti Kundalini   version 1

    Jagatdevi, Jagatdevi, Jagatdevi Kali Ma x2
    Om Mata, Om Kali
    Durga Devi Namo Namah   2x

    Shakti Kundalini Varade Mata  (repeats)

  26. Shakti Kundalini   version 2
    Om Mata Om Kali Durga Devi Namo Namah
    Om Mata Om Kal Durga Devi Namo Namah
    Shakti Kundalini Varade Mata X2

    Twameva Mata (Thou art my Mother)

    Twa meva Mata, Cha Pita twa meva
    Twa mava Bandus, Cha saka twa meva
    Twa mava Vidya, Dravenam Twa meva,
    Twa meva Sarvum, Mama Deva Deva.

    Thou art my Mother, My Father thou art,
     Thou art my Brother, Like a Friend art thou,
     Thou art my Wealth, My Wisdom thou art,
    Thou art my own Light of Lights art thou

    Karpura Gaurum Karuna Vatarum
    Sansara Saraum, Bugegendra haraum
    Sada Vasantum Hridiya avende
    Bhavum Bhavani Sahetum namame

    Uma Parvati, Ananda Mayii (Narayani Stotram)
    Uma Parvati, Ananda Mayii
    Kali Durge Namo Nama

  27. Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu (abridged version)

    Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Matri Rupena Sansthita  
    Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah 
    (repeat after each line)

    Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Buddhi Rupena Sansthita
  28. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

  29. Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Shakti Rupena Sansthita
  30. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

  31. Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Nidra  Rupena Sansthita
  32. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

  33. Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Chaiya Rupena Sansthita
  34. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

  35. Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Daya Rupena Sansthita
  36. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

  37. Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Kanti Rupena Sansthita
  38. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

  39. Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Bhranti Rupena Sansthita
  40. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

  41. Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Shantih Rupena Sansthita
  42. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

  43. Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Tushti Rupena Sansthita
  44. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

  45. Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu,  Lakshmi Rupena Sansthita
  46. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

  47. Translation:

     Salutations to the Goddess who resides in all beings in the form of:
     {wisdom, light, abundance etc}
    To that constant, eternal Presence, I gratefully offer myself again and again.
     The feminine energy or nature resides in all beings (RupenaSansthita).  As the flow of life, she is expressed in us as wisdom (Buddhi), sleep (Nidra), the shadow (Chaiya), misunderstanding (Bhranti), peace (Shantih), contentment (Tushti), abundance (Lakshmi), Matri (Mother), Daya (Compassion, Kanti (Radiance) and Shakti (primal Source Energy).


  48. Songs to Shiva
  49. 350px-MahadevShiva Shiva means “Auspicious One”
  50. He is described as the one who is completely pure, untainted by the world of form and temptations, uttering his name can bring salvation from the cycle of reincarnation.
  51. He is one of the three Gods of the Hindu trinity: Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva.
  52. Shiva is responsible for the creation and desolution of the universe.
  53. He is the eternal yogi, blissfully unaffected by maya (illusion).
  54. He destroys our attachments and delusions and brings our liberation.
  55. Third Eye: Shiva is often depicted with a third eye with which he burned Desire (Kāma) to ashes.
  56. The Ganga river flows from the matted hair of Shiva. Thus Shiva is called Gangādhara ("Bearer of the river Gangā") The Ganga,  considered the most sacred of all rivers in India is said to have made her abode in Shiva's hair. The legend of Bhagiratha states that when the sage of that name invoked the gods to send the divine Ganges to earth to relieve a drought and purify the remains of his ancestors, he was warned that the earth had not the capacity to withstand the descent of the Ganges from heaven, in pursuit of which he propitiated Siva to receive the Ganges upon her descent from heaven and release her with diminished force. Siva agreed to trap the youthful and mischievous Ganges in his matted locks and release her to the earth. It was thus, according to Hindu legend, that the Ganges came to be trapped in Siva's locks, and to be portrayed as flowing therefrom, in all representations of Siva

What does Shambo mean? Its sanskrit and refers specifically to Siva. The word is spelled Sambhu (with an accent mark on the letter 's'), means "abode of joy." In other words, it is Siva himself who is the essence and source of joy. "Because he creates (kr) joy (sukha-sam), because he is the source of boundless joy, Siva, the supreme formless being, is given the name the 'giver of joy' (Sankara)."(Danielou 1991, p. 202)
"When beings are tired of action, of life, of pain...and seek the rest of dreamless sleep, they enter into Siva, the changeless state, the abode of joy (Sambhu), in whom the universe comes to rest and sleeps.

Hara Hara Hara Mahadev

Hara Hara Hara Mahadev  x4
Om Nama Shivaya, Om Nama Shivaya  x4

Slow down then continue with:
Nama Shivaya, Nama Shivaya
Om Nama Shivaya Om Nama Shivaya

Hara Hara Mahadeva Shambho

Hara Hara Maha Deva Shambho, Kashi Vishva-Natha Gange

Hara Hara Maha Deva Shambho   3X
Kashi Vishva-Natha Gange

Kashi Vishva-Natha Gange Kashi Amarnatha Gange

Hara Hara Maha Deva Shambho Kashi Vishva-Natha Gange

Nataraj Nataraja Jay Shiva Shankara Nataraja

Nataraj Nataraja Jay Shiva Shankara Nataraja

Shivaraj Shivaraja Shambho Shankara Shivaraja

Om Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya


To Shiva Lord of the dance of creation and disaloution, glory to

Shiva, glory to the annihilator, the Lord of the

dance, Lord Shiva, Lord Shiva, Shambho, Shankara.


Lord Shiva please perform your tandava

dance of annihilation upon the demons of

ignorance and ego within me! Please grant me liberation.

Om Namah Shivay  (Moti Ma)

I bow to the Divine Self in the form of Shiva, the destroyer of ignorance, that resides within.


Om Namah Shivay ,  Om Namah Shivay   X2

Om Namah Shivay ,  Om Namah Shivay  X2

Om Namah Shivay, Shivay Om

Bolo, Namah Shiva, Shivay Om

Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shiva-a-ya

Om Namah Shi-vaya  Shivay Om NamahOm Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah
Om Namah Shiva----ya
Shivaya Parameshvaraya Shashi Shekaraya Namah OM
Bhavaya Guna Shyam Bhavaya Shiva Tandavaya Namah OM
Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah
Om Namah Shivaya
Shivaya Parameshvaraya Shashi Shekaraya Namah Om
Bhavaya Guna Shyambavaya Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om
Namah Om Namah Om Namah Om Namah Om
Om Namah Shivaya Om Shivaya Namah

Om Shiva Om Shiva,  Paratpara Shiva, Omkara Shiva Tava Sharanam

Om Shiva Om Shiva,  Paratpara Shiva,

Omkara Shiva  Tava Sharanam                 (x2)

Namami Shankara,  Bhavani Shankara

Uma Maheshwara,  Tava Sharanam             (x2)

Samba Sada Shiva

Samba Sada Shiva, Samba Sada Shiva     
Samba Sada Shiva, Hara Shambo

Hey Girijaavara, Hey Girijaavara,
Hey Girijaavara, Hara Shambo   
Hey Shiva Shankara (X3)   Hara Shambo

Shiva is the god of destruction and regeneration, and the witness of all that passes. The
end of one thing is the beginning of another, and this image points toward nonattachment
as a spiritual ideal. When all things are seen as being equal, a feeling of great
compassion for all beings arises. The divine couple of Shiva and Parvati (also known as
Girijaa or Shakti) symbolize the union of form and energy, renunciation and fidelity, and
victory over the endless cycle of death and rebirth. (Dave Stinger)


Shiva Maheshwara, Shiva Maheshwara
Shiva Maheshwara, Guru Dev 
Shiva Maheshwara, Shiva Shankara
 Shiva Maheshwara, Guru Dev
Kailasha Vasa Mahadeva
Kailasha Vasa Sada Shiva
Tribhuvana Pati  Samba Sada Shiva (2x)
Shiva Om, Shiva Om, Shiva Om, Shiva Om
Namah Om, Namah Om, Namah Om, Namah Om
Repeat entire song with these words:
(Om) Namah Shiva, Namah Shiva, 
Om Namah Shivaya Namah Om

Shiva Shiva Shambho Shankara
Shiva Shiva Shambho Shankara
Hara Hara Hara Mahadevaya
Ganga-jata Dhara
Gauri Mano hara
Parthi Puri Para-meshwara

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo
Mahadeva Shambo Madadeva Shambo

Shivaya Parameshvaraya

Shivaya Parameshvaraya Shashi Shekaraya Namah Om
Bhavaya Guna Sambavaya Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om
Shivaya Parameshvaraya, Chandra Shekaraya Namah Om
Bhavaya Guna Sambavaya Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om

Bhajare Shiva, Japare Shiva Satya NamBhaja re (may we always sing the sacred name of Shiva – destroyer of our delusion)

  Japa re ( may we always repeat the sacred  name of Shiva – destroyer of delusion)

Bhajare Shiva, Bhajare Shiva, Bhajare Shiva Satya Nam X2

Bhajare Shiva Satya Nam   X 4

Japare Shiva, Japare Shiva, Japa re Shiva Satya Nam

Japa re Shiva Satya Nam X4

Om Namah Shivay, Om Namah Shivay   X6

Bolo Bolo Saba Mila Bolo

Bolo Bolo Saba Mila Bolo OM Namah Shivaya
OM Namah Shivaya OM Namah Shivaya
OM Namah Shivaya OM Namah Shivaya
Juta Jata Me Ganga Dhari Trishula Dhari Damaru Bhajave
Dama Dama Dama Dama Damaru Bhaje Gunj Utha OM Namah Shivaya
Hari OM Namah Shivaya

Ganga Dhara  - Namah Shivaya

Namah Shivaya  Namah Shivaya  Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya

Ganga Dhara Shiva Ganga Dhara  Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya

Vishweshvara Shiva Vishweshvara  Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya

Rameshwara Shiva Rameshwara  Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya

Jatadhara Shiva Jatadhara  Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya

Someshwar Shiva Someshwar  Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya

Koteshwara Shiva Koteshwara  Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya

Hey Shiva Shankara, Sukha Kara, Dukha Hara (Bestower of Happiness and Destroyer of Sorrows)

Hey Shiva Shankara Hey Maheshwara
Sukha Kara    Dukha Hara    Hara Hara Shankara

Om Namah Shivaya, Hara Om Namah Shivaya
Shiva is the destroyer of the ego, and the witness of all that passes.

All sorrow stems from identification with transient things, all happiness from identification with the eternal.Om namah Shivaya = Om salutations to Shiva, literally,

  • or metaphorically, I am at one with the infinite.
    Shankara = Destroyer/remover of Doubt
    Maheshwara = great lord
    Sukha = happiness   Kara = bestower
    Dukha = sorrow     Hara = remover/destroyer

Jai Shiva Shankara

Jai Shiva Shankara, Jai Shiva Shankara

Jai Shiva Shankar Hari Om

Jai Shiva Shankara, Parameshwara

Jai Shiva Shankar Hari Om

Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya X2  

Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo
Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo
Mahadeva Shambo, Mahadeva Shambo


  1. Songs to Krishna & Radha
  2. krishna-01krishna
  3. Narayan Narayan Jai Jai Govinda Hare
    Narayan Narayan Jai Jai Govinda Hare
    Narayan Narayan Jai Jai Gopala Hare
  4. Jai Jai Govinda Hare, Jai Jai Gopala Hare
  5. Jai Jai Govinda Hare, Jai Jai Gopala Hare
  6. Narayana or Narayan is one of the names of Lord Vishnu, and also refers to Krishna as an incarnation of Vishnu. The name Narayana is a Sanskrit compound, with the members nara, which means "human, man", and ayana "eternal, without ending (a-yana)".  Tradition associates the nara element with another meaning of "water", explaining the name as indicating the all-pervasive nature of Narayana as that of an infinite ocean in which the never-ending movement of birth, life and death of the cosmos occurs. Narayana according to this etymology is the one who moves in the infinite waters and is also the water itself. This close association of Narayana with water explains the frequent depiction of Narayana in Hindu Art as standing or sitting on an ocean. An another important translation of Narayana is "The supreme Man who is the foundation of all men”.

  7. One more interpretation of the word Narayana: "Nara" meaning human and "Ayana" means direction/goal. Hence Narayana refers to the "direction of a human" (or the one that helps a human to his/her goal) -- that towards moksha, (liberation).
  8. Bhaje Gopala, Bhaje Gopala
    Bhaje Gopala, Bhaje Gopala
    Murali Mano Hara Nanda la la.
    Nanda la la,  Nanda la la, Nanda la la Yedu  Nanda la la
    2nd verse:
    Bhaje Gopala, Bhaje Gopala 
    Pya-ah-re Mu-Ra-Ray May-Ray  Nanda la la.
    Nanda la la,  Nanda la la, Nanda la la Yedu  Nanda la la

    Devaki Nandana Gopala - Dave Stinger
    Devaki Nandana Gopala, Devaki Nandana Gopala X2
    Gopala Govinda, Govinda Gopala   X2

    Gopala, Govinda, Govinda Gopala

  9. Gopi Gopala Venu Gopala
    Gopi Gopala Venu Gopala Mukunda Madhava Gopi Gopala

    Krishna Hare Jai Krishna Hare
    Hari Hari Bol Jai Ram Bol
    Hari Aura Shankara Saba Hai Tere Nam

  10. Govinda Bolo Hari ,Gopala Bolo
    Govinda Bolo Hari ,Gopala Bolo
    Rada Ramna Hare,  Govinda  Bolo

  11. Govinda Hare, Gopala  (mt madona)
    Govinda Hare Gopala, Govinda Hare Hare  X2
    Gopala Gopala, Hare Krishna Hare, Hare    X2
    Gopala, Gopala, Gopala, Gopala!  X2

  12. Govinda Jai Jai    (Haidakan Krishna CD)
    Govinda Jai Jai, Gopala Jai Jai   x2
    Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jai Jai    x2
    2nd verse: 
    Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna  Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
    Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

  13. Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya
    Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya x2
    Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jaya X2

  14. Hare Krisha Hare Krishna - (Moti Ma)
    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,
    Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama, Hare Rama   
    Rama Rama Hare Hare    X2

    Hare Krishna    (Jaya Laxmi)
    Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
    Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare
    Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga Bol   X4
    Chaitanya Chaitanya Chaitanya Bol   X4
    Nitai Nitai Nitai Nitai Nitaye Gauranga  X4

  15. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
    Hare Krishna,  Hare Krishna,  Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
    Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare     X2

    Jai Hari Krishna Govardhana Giridhaari
    Jai Hari Krishna, Jai Hari Krishna Govardhana Giridhaari  x2
    Radha Mohana,  Radha Jeevana  X 2
    Manjula Kunja-Bihaari  x2
  16. Jaya Govinda, Jaya Gopal Narayana, Narayana  (Sattva CD)
    Jaya Govinda, Jaya Gopal Naranyana, Narayana
    Om Namo Naranaya ////    Narayana, Narayana, Om Namo Narayana

    Jaya Radhe Govinda Radhe
    Jaya Radhe, Jaya Radhe
    Govinda Radhe, Govinda Radhe   x 2

    Jaya Radhe Govinda, Jaya Radhe Govinda
    Ra---------dhe, Govinda Radhe      x2
    High Part:
    Jaya Radhe, Jaya Radhe
    Govinda Radhe, Govinda Radhe
    Slow part:

    Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe   (repeat overlapping echo)
    Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe

    Jaya Ma Durga Jaya Ma Durga  2X
    Jaya Kail Ma Jaya Kail Ma     2X
    Jaya Ma Ma Ma Jaya Ma Ma Ma 2X

  17. Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala
    Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala  x2 
    Krishna Murali Mano Hara Nanda Lala  x2
    Murali Dhara
    Govinda, Govinda Gopala Murali Dhara
    Murali Dhara Murali Dhara

    Namaste Sri Radhe, Namaste Sri Shyam

    Namaste Sri Radhe, Namaste Sri Shyam X4

    1st verse
    Vrindavana Hari,  Vrindavana Hari
    Vrindavana Hari Radhe
                              ( Return to top)
    2nd verse
    Devaki Nanada Hare, Devaki Nanada Hare
    Devaki Nanada Hare Hare
    Narayan Narayan Jai Jai Govinda Hare
    Narayan Narayan Jai Jai Govinda Hare
    Narayan Narayan Jai Jai Gopala Hare
    Jai Jai Govinda Hare, Jai Jai Govinda Hare
    Jai Jai Gopala Hare, Jai Jai Gopala Hare
    Govinda Hare, Govinda Hare
    Gopala Hare, Gopala Hare

    Narayana Om
    Narayana, Narayana Om, Satya Narayana,
    Narayana Narayana Om, Sri Ma Devi
    Narayana Om, Satya Narayana,
    Narayana Om, Satya Narayana, Narayana Om,
    Jai Sat Guru Deva!

  18. Om Shanti Om         (Om Peace)
    Om Shanti Om

  19. Radha Krishna Karna Lola
    Radha Krishna Karna Lola,  Radhe Govinda   x2
    Radhe Govinda Muralee Govinda   x2
    Radhe Govinda Bolo Muralee Govinda  x2

    Radhe, Radhe, Radhe Shaym, Muralee Govinda   x2

    Radha Rani Ki Jai, (jai Uttal) -  Glories to Queen Radhe, Krishna's beloved
    Radha Rani Ki Jai, Maha Rani Ki Jai  X2   
    Bolo Radha Govinda, Ki Jai Jai Jai   X2
    Radhe Radhe Shaym, Bolo Radhe Radhe Shaym X2
    Bolo Radha Govinda, Ki Jai Jai Jai   X2

    Radhe Govind, Radhe Govind
    Radhe Govind, Radhe Govind, Radhe Govinda Bhaje Radhe Govind
    Radhe Govinda Radhe, Radhe Govinda Radhe
    Radhe Radhe Govinda Bolo
    Radhe Radhe Govinda Bolo
    Govinda Govinda Govinda Bol
    Radhe Radhe Radhe Govinda (jai Uttal)
    Radhe Radhe Radhe Govinda   (repeat many times Waltz tempo)
    Fast tempo:
    Radhe Radhe Radhe Bolo, Radhe Govinda   x4

    Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare (KD)
    Shr Krishna Govinda Hare Murare
    He Natha Narayana Vasudeva  X4

    Continues into:
     Gopala Gopala Devaki Nandana Gopala
    Devaki Nandana Gopala  Devaki Nandana Gopala
    Repeats and changes tempo:
    Devaki Nandana Gopala

    Songs to Vitthale
  20. Panduranga
  21. Jaya Vitthale, Jaya Vitthale, Jai Vitthale     (Dave Stringer)

    Jaya Vitthale, Jaya Vitthale, Jai Vitthale  X4
    PanduRanga, PanduRanga,
    PanduRanga, Vitthale
    Vitthale, Vitthale, Vitthale, Vitthale


    Jai Jai Vitthale, Jaya Hare Vitthale

    Panduranga Vitthale, Hari Narayana Govinda   (Mt Madonna)
    Panduranga Vitthale Hari Narayana,  Bhaja Narayana Govinda  X2
    Hari Narayana, Bhaja Narayana,   Narayana Bhaja Govinda   X2
    Sing the names of Krishna: Narayana, Vitthala, Hari and Govinda

    Vithala Jaya Vithala, Vithala Jaya Vithala
    Vithala Jaya Vithala, Vithala Jaya Vithala     x12
    Panduranga Vithala, Laxmi Narayenne   x2
    Purandara Vithala, Hari Narayenne      x2
    Hari Narayenne,  Laxmi Narayenne    x2
    Laxmi Narayenne,  Satya Narayenne   x2

    Songs to the Guru

    Guru translates to “remove darkness” Our Guru is our teacher who dispells the darkness of our hearts and minds and frees us from the bondage of ignorance.  Your guru can be within you, your highest Self, or a realized master, saint or Avatar (direct incarnation of God). Whomever you hold dear as your supreme Teacher offer these sacred chants to them and invite them into your heart.

    Guru Gita:  1st verse Invocation
    Guru Brahma,  Guru Vishnu,   Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
    Guru Saakshat, Param Brahma,   Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha  (repeat)

    Guru is that which dispels the darkness
    Guru is Brahma the Creator. Guru is Vishnu the Preserver.
    Guru is Shiva the Transformer. Guru is the Supreme Being manifest in human form.
    To that Supreme Divine Teacher, I offer my heartfelt salutations, reverence and endless gratitude.

    Jaya Guru Deva Jaya
    Jaya Guru Deva Jaya, Jaya Guru Deva Jaya,
    Jaya Guru Dev,       Satya Guru Dev
    Jaya Sita Ram  (Jaya),   Jaya Sita Ram  (Jaya)
    Jaya Sita Ram (Bolo),    Jaya Sita Ram
    Jaya Hanuman (Jaya),   Jaya Hanuman (Jaya),
    Jaya Hanuman  (Bolo),   Jaya Han-u-man
    Jaya Mahadev (Jaya),  Jaya Mahadev, (Jaya)
    Jaya Mahadev, (Bolo)   Jaya  MahaDev
    Jaya Kali Ma (Jaya),   Jaya Kali Ma, (Jaya)
    Jaya Kali Ma (Bolo),   Jaya Kali Ma
    Jaya Ambe Ma (Jaya),   Jaya Ambe Ma (Jaya)
    Jaya Ambe Ma (Bolo),   Jaya Ambe Ma                  
    Jaya Durge Ma (Jaya),   Jaya Durge Ma (Jaya)
    Jaya Durge Ma (Bolo),    Jaya Durge Ma

    Mere Gurudev  (Krishna Das) 

    Mere Gurudev, charanon par sumana shraddha ke arpita hai
    Tere hee dena hai jo hai. Wahi tujha ko samarapita hai

    My Beloved Teacher, I offer these flowers of my faith at your feet
    Whatever I have, you have given to me, and I dedicate it all to you.

    Na priti hai pratiti hai, na hi puja ki shakti hai
    Meraa yaha man, meraa yaha tan, meraa kan kan samarapita hai

    I have no love, nor do I know you.
    I dont even have the strength to worship you,
    But this mind of mine, this body of mine,
    my every atom is dedicated to you.

    Tuma hee ho bhaava men mere, vicharon mein, pukaron mein.
    Banaale yantra ab mujhko mere saravatra samarapita hai

    You are the only one in my heart and my thoughts.
    You are the one who I call out to.
    Now Make me your instrumentall I am I offer to you...

  22. Shri Guru Strota (excerpt from)
    Akhanda Mandala Karam
    Vyaptam Yena Char-acharam
    Tatpadam Dharshitam Yena
    Tasmae Shri Gurave Namah
    Salutations to the Guru, by whose grace the One
    Infinite Reality that pervades all of manifestation is revealed.

  23. Sri Guru Charanam, Sri Guru Sharanam
    Sri Guru Sharanam, Namo Namo Namo  X2
    Sri Guru Charanam, Namo Namo Namo

    I seek shelter at the lotus feet of my Guru
    Guru – the dispeller of darkness, teacher, mentor, savior
    Sharanam – Shelter, refuge
    Charanam – feet, the feet of the Guru are considered sacred
  24. Sat = Supreme Truth,  Pyare=Beloved
  25. optional verses:
    Param Guru Charanam, Namo Namo Namo X2            
    Sat Guru Charanam, Namo Namo Namo X2   

  26. Pyare Guru Sharanam, Namo Namo Namo X2            

  27. Wahe Guru
    Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio

  28. Closing Prayers
  29. We close with a universal prayer of blessing for the welfare of all beings throughout creation:
  30. Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu
    Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu   
  31. Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu     
  32. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti-hi

  33. May all beings, in all worlds be blessed with freedom, health and happiness
    Om, we invoke the Divine Primordial Source Energy to infuse us with
     Peace in all bodies, Peace in all minds, Peace in all souls.


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